The (Will)PowerPuff Girls Initiation Challenge

Haha. Didnt u want to tel me and shez to pick just 1 thing to give up or do u want us to suffer hehe.x

I want u to suffer lol! But If u two are lightweights u can reduce it to one thing! X
or u could have extra willpower like us and add urself an extra thing to cut out for the week? mwahahahaha

Well technically I am giving up two things, my car and dryness! X
Yeh me and shez r hardcore we can give up 2 things very erm easily haha.x

Ha ha ha, I'm like this attitude! Mmmmmmmm crisp sandwiches! X
Yeh we wil. We have a week to think up a food conundrum for serena coz the noodle 1 was far 2 easy.x

I will await it! I still like my Pasta n Sauce one ;-) x
Wen she catches up on these threads id love to c her face. sum random convos 2nite.x

If you were a Haribo Starmix Sweet which one would u be? X