No I just typed in vlcds into the search engine. I have to go now. As I'm tired of the whole subject.
Starlight said:Probably wise.
The NICE guidelines are very clear, it's safe.
Starlight said:In that case you could find anything to support or go against a VLCD by just googling.
Personally I prefer to go by proper accredited sites with a good sensible safe knowledge of a VLCD as opposed to some site set up by goodness knows who, with possibly no knowledge of these diets.
Google can be a dangerous thing
Starlight said:Exactly! I hate the scarmongering that goes on with VLCDs. Like you say noones asking anyone to do something they dont want to do, but for those of us who do want to do it, and want to do it long term, it would be nice to be able to without constantly having to defend our choices, especially on 'our' forum
Getslimquick said:Probably means 'the National Obesity Forum'. It's for health professionals. They are not against VLCD either but suggest sensible use.
Starlight said:I think thats just going to cause more confusion now
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with doing a VLCD for longer than that
Im a bit concerned the fact they have people like Anne Diamond as a trustee of their organisation..... looking at the background to a lot of their trustees Im not sure theyre who Id turn to for advice
Googling isn't necessarily dangerous and and The National Obesesity Society didnt say with "sensible use". It's adviseable to follow it just for 4 months. I don't know. My doctor said to me and only me not to do the diet. I don't know if he is anti this. I'm just bothered about me and no one else and repeated what I have read. I personally am not against these diets. Otherwise I wouldn't have bought the packs. You can have my docs phone number if you like and tell him.
I'm a genius. Well, not really lol. They've got a bit on their FAQs on their website I read a few days explaining that it's because we aren't supervised. I could have taken the credit there lol.
My friend is about to have a gastric band, and is on the pre-op diet. She has been told they only ask people to do it for 4-6 weeks as people find it extremely difficult to continue it for any longer ......unless your name is Starlight!
Also, about exante being able to be bought by anyone....I am overweight but can go and buy a high cal takeaway and no one thinks takeaways should be regulated. Kebab please....ok whats your bmi first?