Third Time Lucky...!

Uni is good - not much work at the mo though so a bit boring. But, luckily, my housemates don't want to go on nights out much anymore which is ideal fr the diet!

Having a bad patch with my bf so pretty sure it'll be over by the end of the week sadly. But I knew it was never going to last as we have different long term ideas. :(

So I have cried all day - and been sick and not eaten much so maybe the heartbreak diet will help me!
The heartbrewak diet is definitley effective, but not healthy.

Sorry things are crappy. Try to eat something hun, I know it's hard.
Lot's of love xx
Hate when it goes sh*t with guys. Sometimes even more when you know it's heading that way! Hope you cheer up soon :)
Definitely a good thing about your housemates not wanting to go out so much anymore!

Sorry to hear that things with your bf are rough at the moment :( You might be surprised, you might manage to work things out. Just see what happens and remember we're all here for you if ever you need to talk.
Sometimes the thing you want can change though so I guess just see what happens! Hope that whatever happens, you're ok with the outcome.
That's excellent! Well done!
Woo well done chick, that's a fab loss!
Still going strong!

I had a nice time with my bf and think we are back on track. Basically he "doesn't believe in love, never has, never will". I struggle with this as I want someone to love me - and knowing that he may never tell me that is horrible. But, I know he cares a lot and maybe he is just cynical - he acts like he loves me!

I'm at home for the weekend and have brought my healthy food with me so I can stay on track.
Glad things are back on track with BF. He sounds a bit like my OH to be honest. Sometimes all I want is for us to walk down the road holding hands, but I have to understand that it won't happen.
If you love him enough you will learn to live with it. Perhaps he just finds ot difficult to express himself, I know deep down thats my OH's problem. :)
Actions speak louder than words! And that's an opinion that can change.
Yeah, I mean he has a weird relationship with his family and all that, and his parents have a strange relationship, so I think it is all just down to that.

I mean, I am having fun and I am happy, so as long as that is happening then that is fine :)

Ate well today but have just been for an Indian with my Mum and brother as I am home for the weekend. Nothing to do here though so might just go back to uni tomorrow - feel like I can stay on track there more than here.
That could be a good plan, no point staying there and risking temptation if there's not really anything for you to do there anyway.

Weird question. Did you post something about thinking about moving somewhere but that you're not sure how your bf would take it? Or did I dream that last night? haha
How weird, I know that it was definitely, definitely you! So you must have been in my dream haha How odd!