Think my 10 and a half year old is becoming a teenager, 2.5 years early. He woke up at 12.15pm and is now sitting next to me munching a bacon buttie, which I've had to make him, of course. The smell is gorgeous. So far, all I've had is a couple of coffees with a teaspoon of vanilla shake in each. Time for my first Exante of the day. Can't decide whether to have a shake or a bar.
Thinking about eating that enchilada last night. I only had one, with a side of iceberg lettuce with a drizzle of olive oil as dressing, and you know, it was enough. Usually, I'd probably have had two and then, in all likelihood, finished off the third just to get rid of it, even if I wasnt' still hungry which, let's face it, would have been pretty unlikely after having already eaten two. This is why I am fat. I just go OTT in terms of my portion sizes an eating food so as to not throw it away. My sister, who is slim would probably have just had one. I have to curb my greedy pig tendencies once I get back to real food.
I wish my mother had curbed my appetite more when I was a kid. I remember on a Sunday roast, which we had every Sunday, I was allowed to have five or six roast potatoes. Then, there would always be pudding, something she'd made like apple pie or treacle sponge or trifle and I was always allowed seconds and sometimes even thirds. This obviously was nothing to do with feeling hungry still but sheer greed as I used to be totally stuffed afterwards. Thing is, I was always a skinny kid because I did loads of exercise so she wasn't worried. Problem only arises later when the greed habit has become ingrained and the exercise stops. James has naturally greedy pig tendencies too so I am actively trying to educate him into balancing his calories now. E.g. if he has a chocolate bar after his meal he's not allowed sweets or biscuits later in the evening although he can have some fruit. And I talk to him about why that is. I don't want him to end up with a weight problem when he grows up. I don't want him to waste his life with weight issues like I have wasted so much of mine.