Thornhill Cate
50+ and fabulous
I did a couple of meet ups a few years ago, really enjoyed them and think they're a great idea. Are you going to go again? I remember doing a roller-derby type one. Had a blast - it was so much fun, but boy does it work out your thighs (this was in my skinnier days of course). The following morning I hobbled out of bed, sat on the loo, only to find I didn't have the muscle strength left to get back off the loo! I was sat there for about 5 minutes, trying to use the sink to hoist myself up!
That's just put the smile back on my face, which I needed, after my son has just lost yet ANOTHER item of sports clothing - this time a lovely jacket which he's only worn once before which he's managed to leave at the golf club. Have driven back up there but it's nowhere to be seen. Our only hope is that my brother in law, who took him, has it but we can't get in touch with him because he's playing in a match now. Here's me dressing myself from Sainsbury's so he can have nice things and then he doesn't look after them. He's always losing stuff. It drives me absolutely nuts.