Trying hard 2014
Gold Member
Well done chick
My loss has been slow this week too. Official weigh b tomorrow for me. Gonna be a low one! X
My loss has been slow this week too. Official weigh b tomorrow for me. Gonna be a low one! X
Okay, I vowed if this happened I would do this to keep me on track so here goes: I had a major cave last night. Was fine all day but the 2lbs loss was preying on my mind. Anyway, I was re-heating the last of the seemingly never ending shepherd's pie for James dinner and there was a nice neat square and then a little bit extra. So when I took it out of the oven I just thought, to hell with it, I'll eat that little bit. And I did. And I really enjoyed it. And if I'd stopped there it wouldn't have been so bad but while I was eating that bit I'd put some broccoli on to steam to go with James' portion so when I finished mine, I went into the kitchen to dish up his and suddenly I was thinking 'poor kid; this is the third time in a week I've given him this' (having said that, he wasn't complaining as it's one of his favourites so that was my own thoughts talking, justifying my decision to myself) and then I dished up the rest of it and the broccoli for me and put a pizza in the oven for him!! So I finished the rest of the shepherd's pie. The most annoying thing is, I didn't really enjoy the second lot and it was far too much whereas the first little bit had really satisfied me. Reined myself in there and am back to it today. Won't weigh until next Monday and can only hope that the damage will have corrected itself by then. Am probably out of ketosis due to the mash potato and carrots. Stupid, stupid. So having my first coffee of the day with some vanilla shake in it. Penance - say 50 times today: 'do I still want to be a 17stone heifer come October or 5st lighter??????' Hope everyone has a good day.
It's funny isn't it, I don't know about you but when I don't lose as much as I think I should for the effort involved, I think "I'll show you" at myself and eat loads. It's like I'm trying to teach myself a lesson.. What lesson I'm not entirely sure?
At least u stopped at the shepherds pie x
Have just tried making up the toffee shake as a mousse. It's in the fridge now setting, hopefully! I'll post about how it turns out. Looking forward to a bowl of faux Angel Delight! Mouth is watering just thinking about it. :drool: