This is it!!

Yeh u really should he done lots of things with u's kept u's going for the hour was great! I'm tender today though lol

Well is it possible to be sore 2 days after kick boxing:) lol I'm walkin like John Wayne lol!

So I lost another 3 lbs today so iv lost 1stone yayyyyyyyyyyyyy

This wil be my last week on lipotrim as I'm skint:( so will be going on to exante!

Hope yas don't mind if I keep this thread going?!
Not at all. It's good motivation to hear how others are doing! Bib Big WELL DONE to you!!!
It's not impossible. Once I was sore for 4 days after cricket. :D :D
Thanks Lisa:)

K the muscles aren't too bad today so think il head out for a walk! Although I'm wrecked me an the other half stayed up watching a film last night and the kids decided to wake us at 6 :(

Day 22 today iv 7 pounds to go till I'm in the 10'stone mark and I can't wait it's bn like 5 years since iv seen that number!

Is it possible to come out of ketosis without cheating? Iv bn 100% all 3 weeks and past few days iv bn starving!!

Ah well onwards and downwards:)
Well done you xx:D I wish I was 10 stone One day i hope to be.... I think Exante is good too so am sure you ll be fine :D
Well I can't honk today:( I just had a cracker!!
And to be honest I don't feel guilty I was bloody starving hav bn so hungry last few days! Felt weird chewing something! I didn't devour it I slowly ate it cause if I horsed it down I prob wud hav had the box!
Hey well it was a loooonnnngggg day today! Had to drive sister into a&e with my godson! Stayed ther all day he's fine thank god but they r keepin him in for weekend! So I missed my brekkie n lunch shake only had my dinner one! Hope that dosent effect my weight loss! I actually don't feel hungry though! Weird coz yesterday I had my shakes and I was feelin faint with the hunger!!
Hey Katie I'm doin well! Gettin pretty bored with the shakes! I'm changing over to exante so hav bit more variety!
I put on pair of jeans yesterday that wouldn't go past my bum last month woo it's a great feeling:)
How u getting on?
Hi x I'm doing well:D another 3.5 pounds off (17.5 in total) I just have to stay focused.
Am glad your ok xx and doing well too!:)
Oh that's brill:) yeh it's hard to stay focused after doing it for so long I find it gets boring! The results are worth it though:) keep up the good work:)
Hi Hun ah I'm struggling to be honest! I cheated at weekend so out of ketosis but serves me right! I'm on exante now I'm considering introducing dinner low carb back in and just havin 2 shakes but I still have 2 stone to lose so I dunno wat to do!

How r you doing?
Am glad your ok x :D Every day is a struggle but I just keep thinking of getting to goal, I lost 2.5 pounds this week and have joined Curves and am hoping this will help melt the fat lol.
At least you are back on track so keep going and do what feels best for you :D:D
Thanks:) wow another 2 and half brill:) I'm goin to weigh myself tonight as long as I haven't gained il be happy!
Curves is meant to be brill! I'm stickin wit the kick boxing hav to say I really enjoy it:)