This is my year, EE and Green days with Photos

Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

First of all a huge (((HUG))) coming your way x
It's great to have you back, the forum isn't right without you.
As for your daughter - what age is she? Could it be hormones or teenage brat time? If the worst comes to the worst you could always try putting her on ebay. My Mum is on at the mo, but no takers so far...
It is hard at times, but you have to look after no; 1, not only for selfish reasons, but you're no use to anyone, and life becomes one hard slog otherwise.
Fanatic about your loss! 9 stone something - jealous? Moi? You bet! :D
Aw thanks Mandy for that, you really made me smile.:thankyou:

shes 19 but the way its going here you would think she was 9. its just very upsetting when there is no reason to fight , all the hassel with school ,boys etc is over and yet all we seem to do is kill each other.
ive been hurt very badly over the last few months and i will forgive her but i dont think i will ever forget, but thats life isent it. ebay sounds good lol
Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Sounds like 2 grown women under the same roof, never a good combo. Have you tried the 'my house, treat me with respect' technique? And 'there's the door if you don't like it' I'm sure you will have...
Take care, and try not to let it upset you, keep telling yourself that this too will pass, and hopefully you'll be best friends again very soon x
In the meantime have a good rant on here.
I'm sorry to hear things have been so tough. Must be so hard :(

I'm really good friends with my Mum and we do loads of stuff together and go on holiday and things. But coz my depression's so bad and whatever mystery illness it is I have, I have really bad mood swings and can be quite snappy :( I feel so bad when I do it and I feel so damn guilty, but sometimes I just can't seem to help it.
Not sure if that helps at all, just sharing :)

Also congrats on getting under 10 stone. That's definitely something to smile about.xx
Thanks for the support ladies, I'm feeling a bit more cheerfully today, not a bad day food wise but I'm feeling really bloated now , think I overdone the carbs for dinner .....

Breakfast porridge fruit muller light

Lunch sweet and sour mugshot and more fruit and muller

Dinner.... Really fancied some pasta , so cooked some tagatelli mixed in a wee tub of Philly, thinned it down with a little chicken stock and topped it with a chicken fillet and crispy bacon....

After that I've eaten a bowl of cooked rhubarb with muller Greek coconut......
Not a great dinner, no Superfree at all and I nearly feel sick I'm so stuffed lol

Sorry no photos, I completely forgot x

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Hope all is going ok with you moira sounds like things have been tough recently. Children are hard work as i am just starting to find out! You could kiss them and kill them in the same minute. Well done on the loss though. X
Evening ladies, please forgive me again for not being on..... Some diary this is turning out to be.... I promise faithfully to get back to normal tomorrow.
I had a good week until today

My mother will be 91 tomorrow and I had a party in my house for her today, I can't even begin to think of all the things I ate or drank today, but we all had a good time
I'm gonna sit down and work out a food diary for the week in the morning and I also have weigh in at 5 tomorrow evening so will let you all know how I get on

Just a wee photo of us, I think she looks fab


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Woooo hoo 1 lb off tonight and I got my club 10 cert


I was busy all day so did not have a big pile of food....
Breakfast was the usual porridge muller fruit
Sneaked in a wee iced maidera bun mid morning and for dinner I'm after having a lovely chicken stirfry.

I'm gonna have to be extra good for the next few days so yesterday's indulgence does not catch up with me

It's all picture and no sound here again as they say but I'm having a wee (4) syn Bacardi to celebrate my loss and I'm trying to ignore the moods from the other sofa
I think I will head for the bed early with my book cos as the old saying goes folks.... What you don't see doesn't annoy you lol

Hope we all have a good week x

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Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Well done Moira!
I'm really pleased for you, not to mention envious of your certificate.
Enjoy your book x