This is my year, EE and Green days with Photos

Hi Moira
Just checking in - hope everything is ok?
I need you back, you have good ideas to steal :D

I've had an APPALLING week. I've been on a bit of a downer tbh, I'm fed up of having the responsibility of my Mum with no help from my brother. It would help if my Mum was a bit pleasanter, or even slightly interested in my life and my brother I've given up on, there is only so many times you can ask for help! I'm also a bit fed up of being stuck at home and unable to plan anything. Have I told you my big cat is poorly and on so much medication we can't leave him?
Anyway that's me!
I'm feeling a bit brighter now and need to get back on track - I'm sure eating rubbish makes you feel rubbish!!

Take care, and pop on when you can x
Hi Mandy. I do sympathise, we had chronically ill parents for a long time, several years and all the issues that come with that are emotionally, psychologically and physically draining. Bug hugs. Lost both my parents in 2011 within 2,5 months of each other. X
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Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Thanks Sharon, just a bad week and a bit of wallowing in self pity. Sometimes it's easier to focus on the bad parts of life rather than the good ones.
I have however given myself a good talking to and will stop whining.
It must have been a really horrible time for you losing both parents so close to each other xx
What we need now is for Moira to show up!!
Mandy the family dynamics that go with chronic illness with parents can be paramount to,psychological abuse and when you're totally on your knees with it all I'm not surprised it affected you so badly x no one person can do it all alone - definitely don't consider yourself whining - anyone who has walked the walk knows x looking back you wonder how you did it but also you know you did your best. Day at a time x

You know what they say anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger :)

Soo glad it's the weekend and only 3 days to work next week, then off til 19 aug - so ready for some time out of work. Need to work out where we're going lol. Lost 0.5 lb this week, got my 2 stone award, people also commenting re loss now so all good :)

Moira - hope you're ok x update?
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Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Thanks again, it's nice when someone understands x
I hope the weather stays good for your break. It's the best feeling when someone notices you looking slimmer isn't it? Well done on your 2 stone, that's excellent!
We seem to have hijacked Moira's diary and she's playing hard to get - Oi, Moira? Your friends are missing you x
Well Hello Mandy and Sharon,hijack away cos im very bad lately at this diary stuff.
When i started doing this diary i was at home after the surgery and being a lady of leisure, so had plenty of time to update...My life recently has been very busy, all i seem to do is work or sleep, by the time im in from work and have the dinner sorted its 8pm and then im falling asleep on the sofa by 9. Hubby loves to see me sleeping cos he has the telly all to himself, lol...
We have a bank holiday here this weekend and ive been flat out in work, ive also spent this week setting up a facebook business page, getting some like and share compititions going and trying to drum up some new business..ive also developed a bit of a gyne problem, lets just say gravity is starting to cause problems, so ive seen my gp and will need to see the gyne, possibly surgery but i will deal with that if and when it happens. There is always something wrong with me lol but as i always say if they (doctors ) can fix it then ill be grand..

my food this week has been pretty much the same as usual the good old reliable porridge or fruit and muller for breakfast, lunches have been salads, couscous or mugshots and more fruit and dinners have been stirfrys, pasta and taco chips tonight
i went over my syns last night but im still within my weekly total but im sitting here now having a few bacardi and diet coke so i may not stay to plan for long......

Mandy im sorry to hear your having a rough time and i think Sharon is best to advise you about the parent problems, i know it can be very hard to be positive but it looks like its not a short term problem so your gonna have to get yourself organised girl !!!!!
I spent months last year messing about with sw and just like you had problems losing weight.....there is never going to be an ideal time and life will always throw us some curves but the diet HAS to stay, regardless of what else is happening, mixing the days up and doing WW days aswell does not work.....your only playing about, but i think you know that already. I hope i dont sound harsh to you, but you really need to plan your week out to succed, you have 105 syns a week and i would try to eat all syn free and keep it all for the fecken " WINE " if need be.
at the beginning i used to write on here EVERYTHING i ate or drank and it really kept me on plan, why dont you try that.
i will catch up on all the diaries on here as soon as i can, i just need to invent a day with about 30 hours in it first lol

hope yous all have a good weekend folks x
Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Goodness - you've been busy, no wonder you've not been on! Are you self employed? I hope your gyne problem can be easily sorted out, you've had more than enough for one year.
Thanks for the butt kick, it's what I need, and you're totally right I've been messing about for too long. From tomorrow I'm going to do my diary every day and put absolutely everything on it. I'm not doing the 'diet starts Monday' thing, it's Rob's birthday today so we're out for tea tonight.
That drink looks good :)
Do you have the full 105 syns? I've always tried to stick to 70, maybe that's where I'm going wrong?
Hi Mandy yes I've been self employed since I was 20, i have a few girls working for me but I still work full time myself too, that's why I went back to work as soon as I could after the surgery.

Sw gives us 105 syns to use and I've always used them all every week, i think when we don't use them all we can feel deprived and end up eating a pile of other stuff anyway which just defeats the purpose

Really try to eat syn free if you can and use all of them for treats, looking forward to seeing ALL if your diary lol
Enjoy yourself today x

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12.50 am and I'm only catching up here now. Well I missed weigh in last night cos my IBS went mad, I went tonight after work and GAINED 1.5 lbs and I know where it all came from,
I've had a really bold weekend since fri with ice cream crisps chocolate and cake all washed down with a few Bacardi lol
I should have been good cos I've a wedding on fri and we are travelling thur and staying till sat , I'm really looking forward to some nice food and a bit of room service too ( breakfast in bed..i mean ladies !!! )
I know I will have more on next week but sure I will have to get back straight on plan.
Time for some sleep here... Night folks x

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Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

We all have weeks like that, some of us more than others lol, it'll soon come off again. Weekend sounds just the break you need after the busy last couple of weeks x
Morning Ladies
Well we arrived here last night and the hotel is just as nice as the picture they use


For dinner I had steak with garlic butter eekk cherry tomatoes mushrooms onions and chips , forgot to photo it but remembered the desert lol


I had planned not to drink last night , I wanted to feel fresh today .... But that plan dissent last long . A few bottles of Heineken and several jack Daniels and coke later I hit the bed.

Room service brekky this morning, can't believe I've been craving this so I'm happy. Hubby is tucking into a big fry


I'm feeling a bit delicate so I'm off now for a nice shower and to get ready, wedding at 2 pm

Hope you all have a nice day x

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I think I need to count syns just looking at the photo of that pud!
Have a lovely break, I'm looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing the photo's x
Morning ladies, well we had a great day yesterday and I really enjoyed myself. My first time in a dress in years and I felt great


The food was fab, handier to just post the menu lol cos I ate everything in sight,



I won't even try to count syns... Have a few white wine spritzers and I think about 6 baileys. Heads not to bad today , I'm just after having the same breakfast as yesterday. So that's the last of the toast for a while.
Need to get the bag packed soon, facing a 4 hour drive home so not really looking forward to that, but at least the sun is still shining
I think I will get a proper Chinese curry tonight, really don't fancy cooking tonight... Back on plan in the morning 100% and face the music at weigh in on mon.
We had a lovely time so whatever the scales say it was worth it !!!!!
Hope it a good day for ya all x

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Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Aw Moira, you look absolutely beautiful! Have a good run home and enjoy your curry tonight. Really pleased you had a good break x
Thanks Girls for the lovely comments,
ive just had my chinese and im on the sofa watching x factor repeat. i think it will defo be an early night cos im wrecked.
My plan for tomorrow is to look in my freezer and cupboards and see if i can work out a menu for the week without having to do a big shop.
I need to get back on plan straight away otherwise its too easy to slip back into all the old habits again.
chat tomorrow x