This time I WILL do it :D

Well done Hun that's a brilliant loss! If you can do that with all the obstacles like you say the you know you can do the rest! Well done ! Xx
Great news Trueleame! Good grief that pharmacy is a joke!! Talk about inefficiency! It can't be THAT hard to place an order can it??! I'd be changing quick smart before they jeopardise your weight loss altogether xx
Thanks for the support ladies :D ... I was really pleased and have got an appointment tomorrow morning at a different pharmacy as I can't have the stress of whether they will or won't have my shakes in when I need them. As we all know this diet is hard enough to stick to at the best of times, let alone with all the issues I've had.

1 thing I am SO proud of myself for not caving in and giving up! I would of previously just given up in the past but this time I was so adamant that I wasn't going to break the diet as I'd done so well getting to day 10 without straying from the 100% TFR.

That was the biggest boost for myself, that I wanted to stick to it rather than just giving up :) x x x
Really well done! You should be justifiably proud of yourself - if I were you I'd complain to LT about your pharmacist as they should know if people are not acting efficiently under their license!!!
Have an even bigger smirk on my face ...just realise its my TOTm today as well so the 10lbs loss is fantastic :D woop woop :D

Thanks for all the encouragement and support ladies it has really helped.

I am going to complain about the pharmacy to LT as I feel if I weren't as strong I would of caved...whose to say someone else hasn't had that experience and has now given up completely?

x x x
Well done Trueleame!! It's hard enough sticking to this without all the extra grief you've had this week. You have done brilliant!
Thanks inkie :) it proved to me how determind I am actually into losing weight this time round. Which to me is the best outcome I could of had....even without a good weight loss I'd of been happy :)

x x x
Ok so quick update....its Saturday morning and I'm kinda nervously excited about going to the new chemist today to see if they will be any better than the last one for getting the shakes for me. I am hopeful as they actually bothered to call me back yesterday to talk about it. It was a shock when they called as I hadn't expected it...but was going on past experiences with previous chemist on that one.

The lady seemed very helpful with her questions and comments :) so fingers crossed it gets me back on the right track!

x x x
Ok so quick update....its Saturday morning and I'm kinda nervously excited about going to the new chemist today to see if they will be any better than the last one for getting the shakes for me. I am hopeful as they actually bothered to call me back yesterday to talk about it. It was a shock when they called as I hadn't expected it...but was going on past experiences with previous chemist on that one.

The lady seemed very helpful with her questions and comments :) so fingers crossed it gets me back on the right track!

x x x
Thats great chick!!! Hope all goes well.... souds like they are going to be better for you!!!

Quick update...I went to the new chemist and OMG they are fantastic! They have given me a tracker card, info about the lipotrim diet and went over the basics about it. How to refeed and maintain everything from scratch which was great as the previous chemist did nothing like that. They also have a scales which is calibrated regularly so you get EXACT weights. It also does your blood pressure, pulse and BMI each time which I think is excellent.

I am SO pleased I swopped. The chemist has given me her mobile number and said any problems call and she will go through any problems/questions I have.

And also when I got weighed today I'm now down to 17st 12lbs :D

x x x
Day 12 already

Can't believe that its already Day 12 and I'm still going strong on the 100% TFR :D

Today we had to go to church as were getting married in a church outside of our parish so have to attend 2 in 4 to qualify for getting married there. Its completely worth it as the church is beautiful.
On the way back we called into my parents but I'm cleverly managing to keep the diet from them and also my weight loss, as I wore a long cardy so they couldn't see anything.

I want a dramatic reveal and can't handle them knowing yet as if they give (helpful) advise it always sets me off course and spiraling into a really bad eating curve.

I am SO proud of myself for keeping to this diet, previously I've given up but because of the hassle with the chemist last week I think its made me even more determind to keep going if only to prove to them how much I wanted this!

I have to say that my 6yr old and fiance are being SO supportive of me whilst on my journey its making things soooo much easier :)

I have to say I'm actually enjoying doing this diet now which might sound strange. I can see my life changing bit by bit....even managed to jog in B&Q today to get a bar code for something we'd bought~lol~ wouldn't/couldn't of done that 2 weeks ago. So even in a short amount of time I can see a difference :D x x x
OK this might make a few of you giggle it did me this morning. Was putting on my cropped jeans and erm....had to take them off again once I got back from walking my daughter to school as they kept falling down of their own accord~lol~

This afternoon I've had to go out and buy myself a belt :D to keep them up x x x
Haha very funny... But also brilliant shrink girl shrink! :) well done! Xx
Awake at stupid o'clock as now seem to have a cough that just keeps catching!

Yesterday I was doing a lot of manual work which I thought would be a great weight loss accelerator....but stepped on the scales this morning and now I've apparently put 1lb on. Also not sure if any other girlies are on cerazette...having ups and downs with how it makes my cycle and this week isn't good :( ...been on for 2 weeks now and this week is a lot worse than the I'm putting the gain down to that tbh as I've been 100% without ANY cheating. I'm not going to let it bother me when I've finished this journey I can't be controlled by a mere 1lb fluctuation as that isn't healthy. That's why I'm loving this diet as it makes you think about things like that before you need to worry about food again, so slowly bit by bit your retraining your brain to be able to deal with the food issues you've had.

Sorry for the ramble but that will happen when you wake up at stupid o'clock ~lol~ x x x
Don't feel down hearted hun.... i'm into my second week also.... although last week was BAD... this week is much better!!! It'll be water but you know that already.... But know its hard to take after a 100% day...

Keep smiling... it'll drop off when its ready lol...

Hang on in know it will be fine!!!
