I am tackling this head on this time and I think that is my biggest difference. I have decided instead of avoiding things I'm making a stand here, this is how we change our futures by getting in control of our emotions now so when we go back to eating it will be easier for us to remain at our goal weights.
Also another reason for not cheating was the thought that I'd have to admit it on here....I couldn't eat and not tell you all what I've done. So thank you everyone for being my supports
My last period was 2 and a half weeks hun!!! Pfft.... Something to do with Oestrogen being released when your burning fat!!! : ) xFor some reason I always find monday's are horrible for me, all weekend I have the OH home keeping me strong and sorting out our lil girl's food so I don't have to deal with temptation.
This morning I've had to make packed lunch and get her breakfast, its all food I use to love...bread ....is my downfall and today I managed to avoid it....didn't even try and sneak anything. I am finding it quite empowering being able to deal with food and not really having an issue with it. It does make me realise just how bad food actually was ruling my life. As soon as I'd had breakfast I'd be thinking about lunch, and after lunch yup dinner was being planned.
It was lovely not to have to worry about food I just made my shake and cuppa tea and was soooo pleased with myself.
Finished work and started thinking mmmm want something to munch ...then looked at the clock and realised it was 12 o'clock shake time ~lol~ have found having regular shake times is keeping me on the straight and narrow. I am slightly miffed as i'm still onthat's since 5th Oct and its not easing up much either...has any other girlies had probs like this as its getting slightly concerning now and I think that's why I'm feeling so faint and craving food so much at the moment. x x x
I am having a MAJOR break through today I've taken a HUGE step and actually admitted to my mum and my nan that I'm doing the lipotrim diet again....but I have laid down the law to them...they CANNOT keep asking hows it going ...the CAN say nice things about me looking slimmer~lol~
I feel better for doing that as now at Xmas time I don't have to refeed or worry about xmas day now
I actually feel free after doing that...it might sound a bit mushy ...but I felt they were holding me back so often that I needed to confront them and tell them how they made me feel when they said certain things. It was done very calmly and they were really pleased and amazed how much I'd lost in such a short amount of
x x x