This time I will do it!!...

Looks great. Fits right in. The whole kitchen looks fab xxx
Compared to mine it is lol... Ours is an extension at the back of the garage so has really low ceilings and has the biggest wall units possible, a 2 litre bottle of coke doesn't even fit on the worktop! :eek:
The little black ones? They're hooks that we bought in Cornwall the summer before we moved into this house... They've never made it up anywhere so are just sitting on the worktop lol... A bit like the gorgeous white wooden hooks I have to go on the back of the door in the spare bedroom.. They're just sitting on top of the wardrobe!! Grr.. Men!! Xx
Thanks hun.

New shabby chic dining table has arrived. Do you think it dominates the room or goes okay?

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Looks lovely hun your fridge is huge xxx
Thanks all. I had just cleaned, it's not always that clean :)

Fridge/freezer is huge but so functional with the kids. Used to have a fridge in the old house but no freezer as the kitchen was so small. Used to have to go to the chest freezer in the garage every time we wanted something frozen lol x
Ah, it's Freya's first birthday today.

I always feel really nostalgic at birthdays. It just seems to go so quick.

This time last year, I was sat in the Labour Ward, weighing 17st 9lbs waiting to have my c-section.

Unbelievable that my little princess is now one xx