This time I will do it!!...

Evening Bev. Just off to bed. I know it's early but as I haven't eaten much today, if I don't go to bed now, I'm at risk of a binge! X
Had a lovely lie in until about 10 then cleaned the house top to bottom.

Just about to make some Coffee SB cake and some lunch.

How is everyone today? X
Had a lovely lie in until about 10 then cleaned the house top to bottom.

Just about to make some Coffee SB cake and some lunch.

How is everyone today? X

Hi hun - whoop to the lie in. I had one too lol made brunch for the 3 of us. No other plans now for the day im chilling
Had a lovely lie in until about 10 then cleaned the house top to bottom.

Just about to make some Coffee SB cake and some lunch.

How is everyone today? X

I gutted house yesterday xx just makin myself a mini fry up xx
Oooh lots of Sw fry ups going on today :)

I used the Beanies Toffee Cinder coffee for the SB cake - smells gorgeous!

I've no plans for today either, just relaxing and pottering around.

Always have to do my cleaning on a Saturday morning - I love the feeling of having a clean house :) x
Oooh lots of Sw fry ups going on today :)

I used the Beanies Toffee Cinder coffee for the SB cake - smells gorgeous!

I've no plans for today either, just relaxing and pottering around.

Always have to do my cleaning on a Saturday morning - I love the feeling of having a clean house :) x

I nipping to supermarket to stock up on loads of free food hehe
Coffee SB Cake made:

5x SB
2x Eggs
Sweetener to taste
Beanies Toffee Cinder Coffee - small amount made very strong.

Mix all the above and microwave for 6mins.

Topped with Fat Free Fromage Frais mixed with a little more Toffee Cinder Coffee and Sweetener.

Smells delish and only 5 syns for the whole cake or free is using SB as HExB.

That's tonights munchies sorted :) x
Coffee SB Cake made:

5x SB
2x Eggs
Sweetener to taste
Beanies Toffee Cinder Coffee - small amount made very strong.

Mix all the above and microwave for 6mins.

Topped with Fat Free Fromage Frais mixed with a little more Toffee Cinder Coffee and Sweetener.

Smells delish and only 5 syns for the whole cake or free is using SB as HExB.

That's tonights munchies sorted :) x

Another recipe im nicking lol x
Just got my SB cake out of the fridge and dropped it on the floor. Typical!
And after all my cleaning today too. Argh! Lol.

Anyway, have dinner all prepped and ready to go in the oven a little later and have saved my snacks for when the babies are in bed.
So, today's food:
HExA =40g Reduced Fat Cheddar
HExB = 2x WM Bread


Cheese (HExA) and Onion Toasties (HExB)
SB Cake (1 syn)

Roasted Veg (Mushrooms, Red Onion, Red Pepper, Green Peppers, Carrot & Garlic) with spices Chicken Breast


Freshly done this morning :)
If it hadn't exploded I would've picked it up. As it is, I swept up what I could, and had to re-mop where it dropped as there was fromage frais topping everywhere!
Sounds like my house lol just had a 10 min fight with freezer lol everytime i went to close door bloody stuff fell out lol xx