This time I will do it!!...

Lol true Texty.

Smurf - my freezer is the same! It's an American type one and things fall out all the time x

We got no draws in ours so have to pile things up lol
Ah! I can see why things would topple out. Lol x
Coffee SB Cake made: 5x SB 2x Eggs Sweetener to taste Beanies Toffee Cinder Coffee - small amount made very strong. Mix all the above and microwave for 6mins. Topped with Fat Free Fromage Frais mixed with a little more Toffee Cinder Coffee and Sweetener. Smells delish and only 5 syns for the whole cake or free is using SB as HExB. That's tonights munchies sorted :) x

Sounds yummy defo gonna make an cakes now I've got a microwave lol
Afternoon! Had a lovely lie in until about 10 then cleaned the house top to bottom. Just about to make some Coffee SB cake and some lunch. How is everyone today? X

Good morning. Is there a recipe somewhere for SB cake ( which I'm presuming is scan bran)? Do you have to sun it? :)
Coffee SB Cake made: 5x SB 2x Eggs Sweetener to taste Beanies Toffee Cinder Coffee - small amount made very strong. Mix all the above and microwave for 6mins. Topped with Fat Free Fromage Frais mixed with a little more Toffee Cinder Coffee and Sweetener. Smells delish and only 5 syns for the whole cake or free is using SB as HExB. That's tonights munchies sorted :) x

Ha ha I posted my last request for this recipe before getting to the end of your diary. That'll teach me to have a day off here and not keep up :)
Ha ha I posted my last request for this recipe before getting to the end of your diary. That'll teach me to have a day off here and not keep up :)

Lol! I love Scan Bran! Very filling and yummy when made into cakes.
There's a Scan Bran recipe thread on here somewhere too... X
Morning!! :)

Only just surfacing! Babies slept in as bless them so had a lovely sleep.

Not much planned for today - need to visit my Nana and then get everything sorted for Aaron to go back to school tomorrow and me for work.
May also pop to Tesco for a tad more fruit - I'm loving Persimmon at the mo.

Any plans? X
Afternoon xx been busy preparing tea, playing on Kinect with kids and rearranging photos lol xx how are you all x
Hi hun boo to work tomorrow I know how that feels lol. I tried persimmon for the first time this week too theyre lovely nom nom .x
Heya. The weekends go far too quick don't they with all the things we end up having to do!

Took things back to Next earlier - trying to save and rationed that I do not need anymore clothes until I get to target.

Been up my Nana's.

Got things ready for school tomorrow for Aaron, got my work things ready and have sorted Breakfast and Lunch ready for tomorrow.

Just cooking Maryland Chicken from the new SW magazine for lunch.
Then I think it's feet up time for 10mins before we make the kids homework chart (we do half hour of homework on weekdays and they get a sticker. Get a full week of stickers and they have a small treat on the weekend).
Just been browsing New Look online. Some lovely things in for Spring/Summer and not bad prices either.

Haven't ordered anything - had to exercise a lot of willpower!
Hope to get to target ASAP and then I'm going to treat myself to a shopping spree for new clothes. I do begrudge buying new now as I know they (hopefully) won't fit for long.

Going to be super organised and start trying to put £50 a month away on payday until I get to target. I'll use that money then for my shopping trip :) x
Just been browsing New Look online. Some lovely things in for Spring/Summer and not bad prices either.

Haven't ordered anything - had to exercise a lot of willpower!
Hope to get to target ASAP and then I'm going to treat myself to a shopping spree for new clothes. I do begrudge buying new now as I know they (hopefully) won't fit for long.

Going to be super organised and start trying to put £50 a month away on payday until I get to target. I'll use that money then for my shopping trip :) x

Thats a great idea & incentive to get to target xx
Awww lovely that you plan Aarons homework and treats with him.

Brill idea re the savings for clothes and a spending spree x
Not feeling very hungry today. Think now TOTM has passed my appetite is returning to 'normal'.
May also be that my appetite is naturally reducing now I'm back on plan?
Either way, I'm just not that hungry.

So, today's food:
HExA = Nothing
HExB = Hi Fi Peanut Deluxe Bar


Maryland Chicken (1.5 syns) & SW Chips

Stir Fried Oriental Style Mixed Vegetables (1 syn)


Not feeling very hungry today. Think now TOTM has passed my appetite is returning to 'normal'.
May also be that my appetite is naturally reducing now I'm back on plan?
Either way, I'm just not that hungry.

So, today's food:
HExA = Nothing
HExB = Hi Fi Peanut Deluxe Bar


Maryland Chicken (1.5 syns) & SW Chips

Stir Fried Oriental Style Mixed Vegetables (1 syn)



Im still having to snack at min as still gettin hungry in between meals xx
I think it's like a roller-coaster - some weeks I am absolutely starving and am constantly grazing. Other weeks I tend to not be very hungry and get by on just my meals with no snacks in between. Strange isn't it.

You'll find your own patterns soon x