This time I will do it!!...

Hiya Hun just catching up had a busy couple of days. Don't worry bout the gain you'll soon shift it.

Enjoy your nights out like you say you don't go out often and I'm sure you'll still get a loss on those scales.
I hope so hun. You okay? X
Oh I know that feeling. I got to the loo when I need 5mins. Not to actually go but to just be on my own in a room for a few mins lol x
Have just booked a bit of Winter sun - Lanzarote on 14th Nov.

I've decided that I want to be 10st going on holidays to allow for a little flexibility while I'm there.

So... I have 30 weeks to lose 27lb. I think thats doable - 1lb a week :)
Have just booked a bit of Winter sun - Lanzarote on 14th Nov.

I've decided that I want to be 10st going on holidays to allow for a little flexibility while I'm there.

So... I have 30 weeks to lose 27lb. I think thats doable - 1lb a week :)

Ohh exciting something to work towards and focus on that's 100% doable xx
Hope so Kel.

As you said I thought it would give us something to look forward to and a goal for me to hit.

Haven't told OH yet... Lol x
Hope so Kel.

As you said I thought it would give us something to look forward to and a goal for me to hit.

Haven't told OH yet... Lol x

Lol you've set me off, every time I mention going aboad he moans about cost. I've been looking at 2014 holidays. I'm going to surprise him for Xmas ( he cant be cross on xmas day lol) I'm also takin kids to disneyland Paris next August. I know it's a while away but I need something to look forward to and a goal in mind.
Oh Disneyland will be fab!! My two are too small yet but can't wait until their old enough.

My OH always worries about cost as well. What I do now is book, pay it off and then tell him - he can't say much when it's paid for lol. Men eh?!
Great night last night. I drove in the end and drunk diet coke so saved syns there. And didn't have dessert :)

Well done on saying no to dessert I couldn't do that xx
Really hard day today. All I've wanted to do is eat sweet things. Have managed to resist so far but it's been hard...

HExA = 350ml Skimmed Milk
HExB = 35g Porridge

Porridge (made with HExA & HExB) with Raspberries and Blueberries

SW chips and Quorn Chilli and Lime Burger (1.5 syns) with red onion and a homemade BBQ sauce (Tomato Puree, Garlic, Red Onion, Smoked Paprika, Hot Chilli Powder, Lime Juice and hot water)


Spicy Chicken (Soy Sauce, Lazy Garlic, Lime Juice and Jamaican Jerk spice) with Rice, Mushroom, Sweetcorn, Broccoli, Red Pepper (1 syn)

Magnum Mini (9 syns)

Well done for resisting. your dinner and lunch sounds lovely :)
Funny head today. Really sharp thob on one side :-(. Ah well

Food has been a tad easier today and I feel good that I've had a good day on plan. Keeping my fingers and toes crosses for a good loss on Thursday.

HExA = 2 Babybel
HExB = 20 Almonds

2 Quorn Sausages (2 syns), 2 Poached Eggs, Mushrooms, Beans and Brown Sauce (1 syn)

Linda McCartney Chilli Non Carne ready meal (3 syns)
Fruit Salad - Kiwi Fruit, Raspberries, Blueberries and Banana

Spicy Chicken (Soy Sauce, Lazy Garlic, Lime Juice and Jamaican Jerk spice) with roast vegetables - Mushrooms, Mixed Peppers, Courgette, Red Onion and Garlic

Pickled Onions

Domino's pizza today. Enough said.

Think I'll chat to C in Thursday to see if she has any tips on sticking to plan long-term. Struggling lately. As long as I'm still losing 1lb per week to get me at target by my holiday I'll be okay.
Another off-plan day. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least a 1lb loss tomorrow to keep me on target for hols.

Went to docs as haven't been feeling right - v.dizzy, anxious, headaches... And he feels I may have some post-natal depression. Has given me a very mild anti-depressant to try and I have to go back in a fortnight. Bit anxious about taking them - I don't want to get addicted/weird/gain weight... And I worry that there's a stigma attached to taking anti-depressants...
Suppose I'll give it a go and see how I get on.

He's also testing me for diabetes and anaemia as apparently the symptoms present the same?! Should have those results back in a few days.

Just hoping that whatever it is I feel better soon.

Appreciate that this isn't the place to really discuss it being a food forum and all but I find it easier to put things on here really. It's therapeutic lol!!
Aww Hun, hope your ok. If there mild ones I would give them ago. I'm very anti, anti depressants because my mum was addicted to them but they where the strong ones. if you are feeling low and they do give you a little lift I'm sure they'll do no harm in the long run.

Hope you feel more yourself soon. Xxx
Aww Hun, hope your ok. If there mild ones I would give them ago. I'm very anti, anti depressants because my mum was addicted to them but they where the strong ones. if you are feeling low and they do give you a little lift I'm sure they'll do no harm in the long run.

Hope you feel more yourself soon. Xxx

Sorry about your mum. I've spoken to my Mam and she said she was given the same one's after having me and she felt worse. Also turns out she was diabetic. Think I'll wait and see what the blood results say before deciding whether to take them. Loads of horror stories online.

My main complaint is feeling sick, dizzy and tired all the time! Hoping in a way that it'll be something else. I really don't want to take them x
Sorry about your mum. I've spoken to my Mam and she said she was given the same one's after having me and she felt worse. Also turns out she was diabetic. Think I'll wait and see what the blood results say before deciding whether to take them. Loads of horror stories online.

My main complaint is feeling sick, dizzy and tired all the time! Hoping in a way that it'll be something else. I really don't want to take them x

Oh probably best holding off for a while especially with how your mum felt taking them its likely you would feel the same defo best waiting till other tests come back. My mum was addicted to them for years then she turned to alcohol which resulted in horrible childhood for me I believe it all stated with the antidepressants but that's worse case scenario I'm not trying to scare you

I didn't realise those symptoms where linked to depression. But have heard those for diabetes

How about having some relax time eg weekend away. Spa day. :)