Full Member
Have a great time at the Hen night!! You're doing really well, but remember to enjoy yourself too!
Have a great time at the Hen night!! You're doing really well, but remember to enjoy yourself too!
Your night sounded amazing! I've never been to a casino. Well done for getting straight back on it!
Maybe everyone has the same idea about the pulled pork, it seems really popular all of a sudden, I wouldn't know where to start with it!
Have a great day!
It was a good nightThe pulled pork is really easy. The hardest bit is cutting all the fat off the pork which is a bit of a faff. Worth it though. Do you have a slow cooker?
No I don'tI have so many things I'm saving for, for the kitchen haha
I'm sure you can probably make it in the oven in a closed casserole dish on low. Have a Googlemy favourite kitchen gadgets are the actifry and slow cooker. I use them a lot. I have a steamer as well but that only really gets used when we have my parents over for dinner to cook all the veg at once.
I'm saving for a Flavour Chef at the moment! I have a soup maker for the winter but that's all I've got, my mum has a kitchen aid bowl blender thing that's quite handy. I'll have a google! It sounds delicious and everyone's having it, I feel left out.
What's a flavour chef? I saw an automatic soup maker in tesco the other day. Morphy Richards I think. I was quite intrigued.
Flavour chefs a glorified George Forman but you can cook entire roast dinners and stuff so it's good if there's only 1 or 2 of you. It's totally none stick so you don't have to use oil or anything as well.
I've not had a chance to use my soup maker yet, you just throw in everything you want in a soup, set it to smooth, chunky or in between and set timer and it does it all for you, looking forward to using it this autumn!
*keeps distance*
you're doing great! I love reading your food diaries you're always low on syns! I need to learn a thing or two. Hope you get to go strawberry picking!
Hope it went well!!