Thought I'd give it a go!

I bet you're losing a few inches then, and maybe your weight hasn't changed due to water retention? I've been trying to just stick to good carbs and zero sugar. When I do, the weight comes off at the same pace as when I fast, so at the moment I'm going to stick with this.....REALLY hard on weekends though!
Thanks for that Caz, can you give me an idea of what you're eating? i.e. good carbs
Sure! I've been having 50g oat bran porridge every morning Mon-Fri, with either unsweetened soy milk or unsweetened almond milk, with a sweetener added. I'll have a big salad with grilled chicken for lunch with feta, and then some sort of meat with steamed veg for tea. Sometimes I'll have a wholemeal wrap with grilled chicken, salad, feta, walnuts and a little drizzle of good Olive oil (kind of like a Greek wrap I guess) with sweet potato wedges.

I've been snacking on nuts that I've roasted in the oven, and fruit. I also snack on wholegrain crackers with cheese.

With this diet I've been losing a pound per week, but like I said, it's nearly impossible to stick to on the weekends for me!
Should've said, I haven't been using salad dressing, just a drizzle of Olive oil and cider vinegar. It's surprising how tasty that is on a salad with some roasted nuts and toasted sunflower seeds.
Thanks for that. Sounds good. I need to change what I'm eating on fast days I think as I'm sticking to the same meal most fast days and it ain't working for me.
I know what you mean, I love getting up the next morning and seeing a reasonably flat tummy instead of a Buddah belly! Need to research some more low cal foods, switch my diet around.
Fasting today- hunger feels better than being stuffed so don't know why I overeat!!
Well, poop. Gone off the rails again with more bad news about my dog :-( I definitely struggle with food when things are stressful! Will hopefully get back on track next week. I want to start fasting again too, at least one day per week.
Ambiguous results, but they think she has a new tumour on her tummy plus four internal ones, so don't think anything else can be done. They changed their opinion completely within a week though, so I don't trust what they're saying completely. Am having a specialist give a 2nd opinion ASAP but it doesn't look good :-(
So sorry to hear that, I'm sure you must be devastated, I would be, love my doggy so much. Try and keep positive see what the second opinion is. (Stress like that I couldn't eat, I'd be drinking weak tea and that's it)
Awww caz that's terrible :( my hubby is at the emergency vets with my cat now. He isn't well at all and just can't take any risks after my milli dying last month. I'm glad I don't have children I'd be a wreck!
Lost 1lb this's a start. Hubby thinks it's a lot of work for a lb! Think I'll give it one more week then might switch to Slimming World until Christmas.
Hi I am joining in with you guys..I've tried slimming world on and off for a while now and I just can't stick with it. Have had 3 fast days so far (one by accident which is what started me going). I found the last one tough as I felt hungry all day and freezing cold lol. Havent lost a great deal but I'm aiming for 9 1/2 stone.. currently 10 1/4 st was 10 2 at beginning of month. Am not sure what day to use as weighing day, but I get on scales most days anyway lol so its a bit frustrating to see the up/down/up/down.. I think I am bit more prepared for my next fast day (Monday) so will see how things pan out :) x