Thought I'd give it a go!

I don't think I'm going to make my 2000 calorie exercise goal unfortunately. Have worked too many long shifts :-( Still doing my fast days ok though, and I have exercised more than normal this week.....just no idea whether ill see a loss on Friday morning.
Will keep fingers crossed for a loss on Friday! I think if you have stuck to the fast days you will be fine! I personally find exercise doesn't actually affect the scales at all for me, although it does make much more noticable changes to body shape.
Well poop. Week 4 weigh-in and I've gained half a pound :-( My first gain since I started. I did eat loads of junk food this week. Trouble is, after today I have a week off work with a few parties / celebrations to attend, so it's going to be extra challenging to stay on track. Must try though!
Well poop. Week 4 weigh-in and I've gained half a pound :-( My first gain since I started. I did eat loads of junk food this week. Trouble is, after today I have a week off work with a few parties / celebrations to attend, so it's going to be extra challenging to stay on track. Must try though!

Just count what you eat and do an extra fast or middle day if you need to. Weigh ins are always up and down - just keep them down over all!!
Thanks :) I'm feeling a bit better already. Even though the scales let me down, my clothes def feel looser around the waist, which is where I carry most of my weight.
Weird week this week. Going out for tea on both my normal fast days so am fasting today (Sunday) and either Tuesday or Wednesday. It's going to be challenging being off work with fewer distractions!
I tried fasting last Sunday and failed-it's just not a good day for me! Have been so bad these last few days and can't wait to fast tomorrow! Met an old friend for tea on thu and had dessert then a pizza night in with my friend Friday, a night away in the lakes with the hubby last night and a baby shower today aargh too many social things!! I'm gonna try fasting mon wed and fri this week as I'm going on holiday sat for a week and won't be fasting then! Gonna try to up the exercise too as I felt great the week before last!
Those are great goals Heather! I might try to squeeze in a 3rd fast this week too. Yesterday was actually not too difficult.
I caved yesterday! Just can't do it from home so think to avoid feeling like a failure I will just plan them when I'm in the office or out and about. Been swimming this morning And going to combat tonight!
I don't know if it's the diet, but I definitely feel as though I have more energy overall, more cardiovascular stamina. I can push myself while exercising and not get nearly as out of breath, for example.

My second fast day this week is going to have to be on Friday unfortunately, but I'm quite committed!
Have decided it's best not to weigh myself this week. I did my two fasts, but with being off work I've eaten and drank looooads more than normal! Hoping that after I get back to normal ill start to see more losses.
Hi ladies I'm looking to start 5:2 how have you found it? And may I ask how much you have lost in the 4 weeks doing it? x