Thought I'd give it a go!

Gonna make homemade pizza tonight including the dough. It has to be better for you than a takeaway, right?

I make low fat home made pizzas by using a tortilla wrap, spread on tomato puree, some grated half fat cheese, sometimes add tuna or ham as a topping, sprinkle of italian herbs and its gorgeous!
I make low fat home made pizzas by using a tortilla wrap, spread on tomato puree, some grated half fat cheese, sometimes add tuna or ham as a topping, sprinkle of italian herbs and its gorgeous!

I love them made this way too.

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Loving the weather but it's not good for the waist line!!

Was supposed to go to the gym but was sunny and got when I finished work so we walked to the beer garden instead!!


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Well, I know I certainly haven't lost any weight this month (probably gained), but I'm trying not to feel too guilty! I have really enjoyed cooking some new recipes, and actaully savouring what I eat, rather than mindlessly binging. I've also started going for a 20-minute walk every morning with our puppy :) I want to tidy up our conservatory where our table is and start using it again, even though it's quite warm in there at the moment! I'm tired of eating on the sofa in front of the tele.
Eating on the sofa was one of the things I stopped. After watching secret eaters and seeing how slobby it looked it put me right off!

I've been eating outside sometimes too.

Your pizza looks amazing your so talented!!! Think you should invite us all round for tea! Ha
So I'm still wide awake stressing about work and wonder why I'm too tired for the gym and crave junk! .(

Think i need a new job!
Well it's only 10 am and I've been spinning and had a shower :) forgot how good exercise feels cos I've been a lazy mare all week!
Thinking about getting a juicer, or that Nutri Bullet thing that's on the infomercials. We waste far too much veg every week and so I'm wondering if I might actually like switching from coffee in the morning to fresh juice.