Tillymax is trying again

Afternoon tilly, how has your day been.

i want wellies for my dog but i think she would just eat them:eek::giggle:
hope your ok honey:bighug:
1) I think talking really helps. Poor Jackie had to put up with me rambling away this weekend. Just pm me if you ever want to talk.

2) The whole diet/healthy eating thing is really a case of planning planning planning. After that just take it one day at a time. Start by trying to be 100% for one day and then try 2 days. Before you know it you'll have done a week. This is all a bit hypocritical of me cos I'm not 100% on plan at the moment but I know from experience this works.

3) Go easy on yourself. We all fall off the wagon from time to time. We wouldn't beat a child up cos he/she couldn't catch a ball or something like that. So why do we beat ourselves up.

Do you have a diary?

Is it the "diet" that's getting you down or is it life in general?

Today has been a much better day for me mentally so I feel more like me at the moment. I know I'm still really delicate and could easily go over the edge again but I'm just taking it one day at a time.

Like I said if you want to talk just let me know :bighug:
Aw thanks Tilly

Hope your day has been good?! Well as good as work can be.

I've been a bit better too, thanks to all the support on here I think. I have also figured out why I'm so bloated (*) and even just knowing helps a bit. :confused:

I'm thinking of going to a different class tonight to see if that bucks me up a bit - my usual consultant doesn't have anything new to say about the way my weight bounces about. I'm open to suggestions to get it to settle down.

Thanks again:D
Aw thanks Tilly

Hope your day has been good?! Well as good as work can be.

I've been a bit better too, thanks to all the support on here I think. I have also figured out why I'm so bloated (*) and even just knowing helps a bit. :confused:

I'm thinking of going to a different class tonight to see if that bucks me up a bit - my usual consultant doesn't have anything new to say about the way my weight bounces about. I'm open to suggestions to get it to settle down.

Thanks again:D

pp i am an all or nothing girl when i lose well and when i gain its always a bigger no don't seem to do the whole 0.5 thing.

i have decided to just accept that this is how my body works and as long as the trend is downwards, i am ok :D

hope you find a different consultant more helpful xxx

:hijack: sorry tilly xxxx
Evening Tilly x

Nice to see you're feeling a little better x

One day at a time is great! It's all you need to do x

Lots of love x
Afternoon :D

Mr Grumpy has been asking for my help today. I could have made him feel the way he's made me feel but I decided to be my normal helpful supportive self so he'd know how to treat people in future. If that fails I'm gonna kick his teeth in ;)

I've got a training course to attend tomorrow. Can't remember what it was for but I know it wasn't anything useful :D

I've trained my daughter so well. I said to her "why do stupid men always do that"
She replied "you've answered your own question with two of the words in that sentence" :8855:

:giggle: at you daughter and fair play she has a good point :D

I'm a bit miffed Tilly I expected better of you :giggle: being helpful indeed just be done with it and give the grumpy old sod the kicking thats deserved....
Hey Tilly,
I am with Kally on this one, why waste your energy being nice to him, when you could put it to better use by just giving him the kickin' he so rightly deserves, he's earnt it after all :giggle: and I know as a fair woman you wouldn't want to deprive him of what is rightly his, would you now? :8855:
I love your daughter, where on earth could she have got all that sense at such a young age :giggle:

I just have to tell you about a training course I went on some years ago when I worked in the old people's home...we were sent on an aids awareness course, myself and another lady I worked with (I was 36 at the time and she was in her 60's) anyway, we arrived and there were about 10 of us in total doing the course...we were seperated into groups of 2 and given a board and pen and had to choose from a list of subjects to write what we knew about it.
Now we were, shall I say, very naive (didn't think we were till we went on this course) and we chose to write about water sports....not forgetting this is an aids awareness course, we couldn't for the life of us fathom out why the water sports option was on the board amongst all the other sexual related options, but we thought they obviously knew what they were doing, so we listed in full details everything we knew about, water skiing, swimming, diving, water polo, surfing etc etc ...needless to say the room was in hysterics, we were dumbfounded and then totally embaressed when we found out what they meant....my sister still wets herself laughing at that story :giggle: xxxx
:8855:So you three are coming to work with me tomorrow and we're all gonna kick Mr Grumpys teeth in and then we'll all go on the training course.
just setting off now, see you about mid march :8855: :8855: :8855: but only if I put a spurt on :giggle: xxx

Lily can be in charge of answering all the questions and we'll have a right laugh :D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, only if they're on water sports :giggle: xxxxxxx

I've got 10 minutes to myself so I'm gonna try and catch up on diaries :)

I've given up trying to catch up, as quick as I do you all start talking again :eek: xxxx
:8855:So you three are coming to work with me tomorrow and we're all gonna kick Mr Grumpys teeth in and then we'll all go on the training course. Lily can be in charge of answering all the questions and we'll have a right laugh :D

I've got 10 minutes to myself so I'm gonna try and catch up on diaries :)

Excuse me, but I had two younger twin brothers to fight with, so I think that puts me in a good position to give Mr. Grumpy a good seeing too ;)
Yep we'll be there Tilly, we can go for bacon butties and coffees at lunch to decide a plan of action for the afternoon so none of us fall asleep during the course as these things are always boring aren't they :giggle:

Mr Grumpy won't know whats 'hit' him :8855: xxxxx