Tillymax is trying again

hello Tilly!:)

haha, your man sounds priceless! i love when things like that happen, really makes my day!:p (not that i'd ever laugh at someone so misfortunate!:rolleyes:)

Sorry to hear about your mam, but have to say that i too would have most probably ate the sweets! only yesterday i found myself robbing jellies from my cousin! (he's 3 and was giving me the most disgusted looks!:break_diet: oops!) wishing her a speedy recovery!:cool:...

oohh how was the wine?! i've decided that i no longer drink, :cry:.. well for now, so have a glass for me!:D

Enjoy your day!
Lets just say yesterday I fell off the wagon. Can some one please stop it so I can jump back on. On second thoughts is there a ramp cos I don't think I can jump :8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855:

I poured myself a glass of wine and had a bubble bath before starting to make tea. When I came down the kids said tea was sorted. They'd ordered a chinese. They paid so does that count as free food. Obviously I had to finish all the wine cos I wouldn't want it to go off :D

Today I'm starving. I think all my fat genes have been woken up with the chinese and now they're shouting feed me :eek:

Mum's doing really well. I've come home so she can have a sleep so I thought I'd catch up on here :)

:8855: what are you like :rolleyes::8855:

Its always way harder the day after being off plan, take it from an expert :8855: don't give in though mate otherwise it can take days to get back on plan.

I've saved you a place on the wagon and installed a lift, so no excuses :8855:
Aww it was such a kind thing for them to do ordering the chinese, too. Bless them. AND paying for it! :eek: Mine would just be waiting outside the bathroom door with their beaks wide open. :rolleyes:
I fell off again. All I will say is bl**dy men :mad:

Anyway I will be back on it tomorrow :)

Come on, hop back on, I've got a nice seat beside me with a safety harness, so that you don't fall off again!;)

Just one thing......"Bl**dy hold on to me tightly, because I'm always falling off!"
TIlly, what will we do with you, perhaps if I we sit at the back of the wagon Lynne can sit one side of you and me the other, we can then all fall off together :8855: whoops I mean keep each other company on that wagon

You know I do think you need some scales sweetie to motivate you (dont get me wrong yours are amazing and I sure wish mine said that :8855:) but on a more serious note you have been amazing lately really sticking with it and I feel if you had been able to see how you had done it would help even more :D if that makes sense.

Anyways hope you have a fabby day xxxxx
hey tilly just had a catch up on ur diary sorry to hear your mums not been well :( hope shes back on her feet soon and p.s iv got munches too must be something in the air lol :D xxx
Hiya Tilly, I'm struggling today with hunger too, meh! This wagon is bloomin hard sometimes lol. I'll not be on here much this weekend as waiting for Cass to arrive, so have a lovely weekend Tilly, and of course, I hope your mum is feeling a lot better. Catch up soon Boo xx
Mr Tesco was an hour late. All we had to eat was rubbish so I had my bacon buttie at 4.30 :)

When I make the tea for the rest of them at 7.30 I might have boiled egg and toast (syn the toast). I've only had 1 syn today so that will be ok.

I'm sat here eating grapes and they taste yummy.

Going back to mums once I've fed and watered everyone here. I'm feeling shattered at the moment so that's probably why hubbie annoyed me so much last night :)

Anyway first day back on the wagon and so far I've done well. I've managed to not eat any junk even though that's all we had to eat in the house. I've also been in Greggs and not bought anything for myself. Hope I don't feel as hungry tomorrow :rolleyes:
Strangely I also had one of those munchies days, too.

Have you ever seen that film Twister and the scene where all the debris is coming down on them as they try to drive down the road..she's yelling 'left! right! left!'. Well that's what it felt like yesterday trying to navigate around all the foodie debris ie apple doughnuts, fab bakers boy cup cakes, wotsits etc etc.

Course if you've never seen the movie then the above will be total nonsense to you.:rolleyes:
Hope the munchies subsided before you gave in, and that you are still firmly on the wagon;)
Hope your Mum is doing well, all this running around, whilst exhausting, is good Body magic!
Strangely I also had one of those munchies days, too.

Have you ever seen that film Twister and the scene where all the debris is coming down on them as they try to drive down the road..she's yelling 'left! right! left!'. Well that's what it felt like yesterday trying to navigate around all the foodie debris ie apple doughnuts, fab bakers boy cup cakes, wotsits etc etc.

Course if you've never seen the movie then the above will be total nonsense to you.:rolleyes:

I've not seen the movie but your description made me laugh :8855:
Hope the munchies subsided before you gave in, and that you are still firmly on the wagon;)
Hope your Mum is doing well, all this running around, whilst exhausting, is good Body magic!

Let's just say I was clinging on for dear life yesterday. It was more like a white knuckle ride :D

Mum's doing fine. Obviously she can't move much still and she feels sick with all the painkillers. She's got a checkup on Wednesday so they may offer something different.
Let's just say I was clinging on for dear life yesterday. It was more like a white knuckle ride :D

Mum's doing fine. Obviously she can't move much still and she feels sick with all the painkillers. She's got a checkup on Wednesday so they may offer something different.

Good Girl x - Nothing like the adrenaline of a white knuckle ride!;)
Glad that your Mum is doing well, but shame about the sickness:(