Tillymax is trying again

Good morning everyone :)

I'm hoping that it will be a much better day today. I feel quite positive at the moment and hope this feeling stays cos it's much easier if it does. I've got to stay on this wagon for a long time so I'm gonna get myself a comfy seat :D

I got through yesterday but didn't enjoy it cos I was hungry all day. Not like proper hunger. It was more that I didn't feel satisfied.

Think I might stay neutral for breakfast and lunch and then I can decide what plan I'm following later :)
I'll have a quick catch up on here before I go back down to mums.

Br strawberries
Din cheese (A) and beetroot tcake (B)
Tea will be a ready meal that I want to use up (5 or 5.5 syns)
options (2 syns)

I've still got and A and B to play with later.

Feeling really fed up today. The grotty weather isn't helping either. I just want to go back to bed and pretend the world doesn't exist today. This is so unlike me that it's a bit frightening. Hopefully I'll be back to my normal self tomorrow.

On a positive note I've got a very comfy seat on the wagon and I'm not budging for anyone :)
I was on the cheaper seats earlier this week but kept falling off :8855:
I don't know what's up with me. Don't think I can keep blaming hubbie for everthing. Although I'm sure it will give me a chuckle to kick him up the bum :D

I do think it's his fault though cos I'm really questioning my marriage. I get annoyed that his brothers wives and his mates wives all do b*gger all and their hubbies adore them. I seem to have to organise everything and he just expects me to. I'm making it sound like he's really lazy which he isn't. I just need a bit more from him right now - both practically and emotionally.

I'm waffling again. I'll be ok tomorrow :)
Thanks Jackie

I feel a lot better already. Just had a phone call from a friend. When I say friend I mean one of those people who you tolerate and are polite to but they really get on your nerves :8855:

I could actually walk off for half an hour when shes on the phone and she wouldn't notice cos she just talks about herself all the time and doesn't actually want me to comment. Anyway after listening to her dramas (everythings a drama with her) I realised that I am turning into her.

Normally I just accept whatever life throws at me and get on with it. The last few days however I have felt all sorry for myself and been a bit of a drama queen (only in my head though, not out loud).

So I'm gonna find my old self, give her a shake and get her back on here right now cos I don't like this silly imposter who's taken my life over :)
Thanks Jackie

I feel a lot better already. Just had a phone call from a friend. When I say friend I mean one of those people who you tolerate and are polite to but they really get on your nerves :8855:

looool i never laffed so much when i read that i got a few of them myself lol hope your back to normal self soon :Dx
Thanks Jackie

I feel a lot better already. Just had a phone call from a friend. When I say friend I mean one of those people who you tolerate and are polite to but they really get on your nerves :8855:

Did I just ring you then :8855: :8855: yep I have a few of those

So I'm gonna find my old self, give her a shake and get her back on here right now cos I don't like this silly imposter who's taken my life over :)

you will be fine sweetie. I think we all have times like this. Have a good shake and don't let the ***gers get to you :D
Morning Tilly!!
God the weekends are hard arnt they?! Anyone that can stay on the wagon for the entire weekend is a saint!!:D there really must have been something in the air yesterday, I felt like I was eating all day, but was still hungry!:/

Anyways, here's to a new week!!:) hope your Monday morning is simply wonderful!! Naomi!:)x
However many syns she contained, it was worth eating her, now you can't be tempted by her ;)
I'm having a red day today

Br porridge (B) milk (A) yogurt and raspberries
snack strawberries
Din sos casserole (about 2 - 3 syns)

For tea I'm having chicken wrapped in bacon with melted cheese (A) baked potato (B) and salad.
I can't wait :eat:

I'm feeling hungry but am determined to stay on plan.

Going to mums later today. She's got visitors this afternoon so they can look after her :)

I'm gonna get some of my own stuff done whilst I'm at home.
I'm having a red day today

Br porridge (B) milk (A) yogurt and raspberries
snack strawberries
Din sos casserole (about 2 - 3 syns)

For tea I'm having chicken wrapped in bacon with melted cheese (A) baked potato (B) and salad.
I can't wait :eat:

yummy what tym shall i cum round:D
Hiya Tilly

How's your day going? I hope your mum is feeling much better today. I see that your well and truely back on the sw wagon and have moved up to the comfy seats, lol nice ain't they hehe catch up with you soon Boo xxx