Tillymax is trying again

Hello lovely, hope all is well with you
Take care sweetie :hug99: xxxx
Happy Easter

I start the new meds on Tuesday and I hope they will be better than the ones I'm on. I've had a bad few days. I'm feeling ok at the moment but whilst I'm ok I want to spend some time with my family before they go back to work, uni and college. I probably won't get chance to update for another week but once I get some days to myself I will come and find out what you've all been up to. Have a good Easter.

Also if anyone's thinking of going to the pics, 21 Jump Street is very good
Morning Tilly x

What a rough time you've been having...made all the worse by lots of people who just don't THINK before opening their mouths! :(

Enjoy time with your family, come here when u want to, and don't come here when u don't ...

In other words, do exactly what YOU want, or need, for a change xx

Lots of love hunni xxx
Hello lovely, hope you're ok sweetie

:fingerscrossed: for the new meds hun

:woohoo: to spending time with your family, and :cry: to not seeing you here but everyone is right, you must do what's right for you and no one else hunni

Take care till next time lovely :hug99: xxxxx
Hello lovely Tilly

Hope all is going well

Take care my love :hug99: xxxxx
I've been on here for hours and I've only caught up with Jackie and Kals. I will try and catch up with everyone else as soon as I can cos I miss the giggles I have with you nutty lot.

Right then ladies I need your help. What the hell do I do about this anxiety. I can understand feeling anxious if I'm going somewhere but I don't like the anxiousness I get when I'm sat here minding my own business. Hope that makes sense cos what I'm trying to say is I'm frightened to death of feeling anxious for no reason. What if it never goes away. Anyway enough of the self pity - just give me lots of ideas. Some I've probably tried, some I'm probably using right now but one of you may have an idea that I've not thought of that may just work for me.
have you tried a thought diary, i now have one :sigh:.

when i am getting anxious thoughts i try to break them down.

what is the thought
where is it coming from
do i have any evidence to support the thought
is it fact or opinion that is making me anxious.Anxiety Self Help

this is the sight my counseller has me use a lot that link is for anxiety but have a look at the whole sight my be some ideas that help xx

hope those tablets kick in for you, been really anxious myself the last couple of days so really sympathise xxx

Oh Tilly anxiety is awful. :bighug: :bighug: lived with it for years and still have a little of it. I also think it can become abit like a habit and its hard to break, so a thought diary might help put some of it back into perspective do you think? I am guessing perahaps its also an initial side effect of the new tablets?? Remember you are not alone sweetheart, lots of lovely friends to help you through this. Did you try the revival remedy from crystal herbs? I do find it a little better than rescue remedy and not sure if mind over matter or if it really does take the edge off? Shall have a ponder about this..... They do say it can be dealt with once and for all with Cognitive Hypnotherapy... I have no experience but I do believe it can.. Not a cheap option but if it really was dealt with might be worth considering. Read alot about it lately where people have taken this route and come off tabs etc :bighug: :bighug: xxxxx
Biggest hugs ever
I can't offer much in the way of advice but I do think Mandy's diary idea is a good one it might even help you work out if there is a trigger for the way you are feeling
You will get better Tils you will defo but I think you need to get to the deep rooted cause that has started this all off
Cogno theraphy is also a good idea as it would help you to get to the cause sooner rather than later

Biggest squeezes xx
Thanks ladies

I use that website along with the other 4 the therapist told me about. I also have sheets that she gave me to fill in that talk about if the threat is real or imagined etc. A lot of what they suggest is CBT stuff.

The info on the sites work really well when I'm going out but my main concern at the moment is the anxiousness I feel when I'm not going out. I don't know what causes it so I can't fill in the sheets with the cause and if the threat is real etc. I just worry that my body is gonna accept this behaviour is normal and I will end up feeling like this all the time. I'm hoping it is the meds again and it will all settle down soon cos it feels like sh*t.

I'm sat here right now with butterflies in my stomach and I've no idea why. It's much stronger than normal butterflies that we all experience from time to time and it really frightens me. It would be good if I could put all this energy into doing something useful but the depression side means I can't be arsed to do anything. It's a catch 22 situation. The other thing is it's like I'm looking for some kind of stimulant. For anyone who's ever smoked it's like I'm desperate for a cig. I feel like I need cigs, coffee, alcohol, food etc but I know if I have them I'll only have a quick fix and then I'll be back to feeling sh*t within 5 minutes.

Anyway enough moaning for one day :rolleyes:

I've had a good tidy up today. Kids are out and hubbies in bed cos he's on nights so I've got a bit of time to myself to do wahtever I want :bliss:

I need to go shopping next week to get my son some fillers up for his birthday on the 21st. He's gonna be 20. Thing is I'm only 21 myself so don't know how that happened :D

Hi Tilly

It's lovely to see your posts again - you're still funny even when you're anxious! Just shows the real you is in there somewhere and I hope the meds and CBT can ease the butterflies a little. I saw a GP too about being anxious and she sent me for some counselling. It was carp - it was depressing! I'd rather be anxious than depressed. So I didn't go again.

Love Po xxx

Po xxx
Well I hope you enjoy having that bit of time for yourself Tilly
And I really hope the feelings settle down soon and those meds do there magic for you xx