Not only do I have a handsome intelligent son but I have a beautiful intelligent daughter
She got her GCSE results today and has done brilliantly. Then she had to go to college and enrol. So it's been an action packed morning again. I think the results have made her feel really good about herself cos her brother had always been really clever and even though I've always told her she's just as clever she's always lacked confidence in her own ability. She's certainly not lacking confidence at the moment as she's right in her brothers face saying who's the genius of the family now then :8855:
We're going out for a meal to celebrate tomorrow. Obviously we've let her decide where we go and it's a pizza restaurant that she's been to with friends and really likes. I've checked out the menu and they only do pizza
So Jackie can I please be excused from being 100% tomorrow cos we won't be celebrating her GCSE results ever again. Oh and can I please have lots to drink too cos I think I deserve it as I think I am directly responsible for their intelligence
Its a big thing waiting for exam results. i saw my besties son yesterday and he was very quiet and nervous too. Shes done fab mate
I think I will avoid Mc'D's. It doesn't appeal to me and I don't 'enjoy' it it would just be a lazy tea. I'll let the others have one if they want one. i've got enough food here to feed an army and I want to get below 16stone and so close so no point wrecking it nowxxxxxx