I'm making carrot and coriander soup and lentil soup.
I'll have to try some new ones. Might have a look through the recipes section to see what I like the sound off.
Emmaline you are lovely and remember you have lots of friends on here. Okay can't invite you for a cuppa as too far away but we can have one virtuallyWell I got no friends either so your not alone in that!!!
Hang on a minute... I do have one and her OH who invite me round for a cuppa on the very odd occasion and I try not to feel like they are being patronising but what's a poor old woman to do? Be a hermit? ... Come to think of it I'm not far wrong in that anyway!! ...
Glad your in good humour anyway Tilly.
Have a happy Sunday.
That reminds me .. I must do my ironing as well.
I know. I've got no friends :cry:
I can't play silly beggars on my own. Well I can but it's not the same.
I'm going to write a list of work colleagues who can be slapped. I don't think I've got enough paper![]()
Well I got no friends either so your not alone in that!!!
Hang on a minute... I do have one and her OH who invite me round for a cuppa on the very odd occasion and I try not to feel like they are being patronising but what's a poor old woman to do? Be a hermit? ... Come to think of it I'm not far wrong in that anyway!! ...
Glad your in good humour anyway Tilly.
Have a happy Sunday.
That reminds me .. I must do my ironing as well.
I like the spicy tomato soup one that's on the recipe board somewhere - it's nice with a bacon sarnie and you can use it as a pasta sauce or for meatballs too so it's multi-purpose
Well done on day 2 of no you-know-what!![]()
aren't I your friend then:cry: :8855:
how my no choccie buddy doing?
have you made your list for slap ping>
I'm doing good with the no choccie but that's cos I haven't had a craving for it yet. Emma was eating a chocolate orange yesterday and kept saying I need you to try this cos I don't know if I like it. It was a white with crystals in it. I told her I couldn't cos I'd given up chocolate for 4 weeks. Poor kid looked like she was gonna cry and has kept asking me if I'm ok :8855:
lol and in the summer bet the windows shut :8855: could she not see others were cold? Is she really that thick?
some people
well done on the no choccie, so far I am not missing itxxxxx
I'm sure they love having you round for a cuppa. I would
I'll look that one up. The no you know what with the wink at the end makes it sound like I've given up sex. I think that would be easier than choccie :8855:
Yes you are my friend but you wasn't playing out. I had to play out all by myself
I'm doing good with the no choccie but that's cos I haven't had a craving for it yet. Emma was eating a chocolate orange yesterday and kept saying I need you to try this cos I don't know if I like it. It was a white with crystals in it. I told her I couldn't cos I'd given up chocolate for 4 weeks. Poor kid looked like she was gonna cry and has kept asking me if I'm ok :8855:
Still no chocolateThere's loads of the stuff at work so it's been a bit harder. There's always loads of it at work but I think I've noticed it more cos I can't have it.
Stupid stupid looney girl deserves more than a slap. There's no heating on at work and it's been freezing but she's got her window wide open
We've all been sat with our coats on with the hoods up and she's sat there in a t-shirt with a gale force wind. She probably can't feel it as much as us lot who are sat further away. She's got a fan on her desk so why doesn't she turn that on. The comments that have been aimed at her today have been really bad and she justs sits there oblivious to it all. I tell you there's something not quite right with her :8855:
Tomorrow I'm gonna make sure I've got my gloves on and take an hot water bottle. I might not bother getting dressed and just wear my jim jams, dressing gown and slippers. Can't look any worse than I did today with my hood up. People kept laughing at me.