It's not bizarre it's bloody awesome!!!!
I find it hard running at a size 8-10! Haha xx
heheh thanks

nice to know I'm doing something opposed to just being blobby and not fitting into clothes!
In all honesty, the first 10 mins of any run are a nightmare - it's always pain due to the fact that your quad muscles aren't getting the maximum blood supply that they need. After that, your body just seems to settle into a rhythm and do its thing and you find you can keep going for ages - the only difference as to how fit / how thin you are is how fast you go. So I tend to plod through the first 10 mins (usually whilst watching Sex in the City for distraction) break through the pain barrier, then see how long I can plod on for. At least that's what I did when I was losing weight last time although I didn't start running until I was about 210lbs from memory - I'd never been a runny person before then. I'd been sporty, but always wimped out of the run round the field kind of warm up!
I also slept really well last night so I think the issue behind my insomnia has been the new found energy I've had and no outlet for it. So the plan is to start doing some running when I'm away for work despite not having a treadmill (eek...back on the streets! Unfortunately when away for work I live in an area where all the skinny minis live with their trendy gyms and personal trainers!).
So food yesterday was a mixture:
5 slices of meat for breakfast (I know weird but its the only thing I could grab quickly from the fridge that wasn't madly bad) - 310 cals
Hamburger happy meal with sprite zero (250 cals for the burger plus 230 for the fries) - again, took my daughter to McDs and this was the smallest temptation I could see!
Weightwatchers chicken hotpot meal - 226 cals
3 cups of tea - 30 cals
NO snacks or sweets at the cinema!! woot - zero cals!
2 fruit shortcake biscuits back at home (to make it sort of feel like a weekend!!) - 75 cals
Total for the day - 1221
Not bad considering I'd say it was a treat day!
and of course the 300 plus calories burnt off from running 5km and whatever from walking round the shops for 2 hours.
Time to quickly look at goals:
236 by 5 jan (DONE)
232 by 19 jan (235lbs at 10th Jan so well on my way!)
228 by 2 feb
- getting new suits out of the attic (bought when I was a smaller size but never worn) - getting closer - I can now get into my size 20 suits from Next that are slim fitting (but they are still a bit too tight to wear for a work day) and bought a pair of size 18 trousers from M&S yesterday in the sale - admittedly they are slightly stretchy but they look good as opposed to skin tight and mad. WOOHOO.
All these things sound like little insignificant things but they are keeping me going and adding to the momentum of what I'm doing - I feel like a stone rolling down a hill and gathering more and more speed.