Morning weigh in this week 2 lbs off only just made the 10's but won't be able to enjoy the feeling for long... my restart will take place after my birthday now.
Happy Friday all x
hello ladies thank you for my birthday wishes... ive had a lovely day i was just saying to my mum i dont know when im going to start LL again.. as i dont want to put it off for to long.
gosh restarts are hard for me what shall i do? please
Morning its all sooo quiet ive had a fabby week weigh in tomorrow birthday this weekend cant wait. yes i am coming off plan for the evening only not the while day as i will go crazy ... but times with my best friends means alot. I keep thinking if i will be in the 10's tomorrow.......let's hope so anyway LL rocks lol
happy sunday guys xx thanx for your support xx
Hello Divster it's mainly the cost of LL really... im thinking about carrying on with VLCD but CD instead really, just so confused and refuse to give up on myself right now:cry::cry:Not sure what you are going to do, but we do sometimes have our weight wrapped up in other things, that are holding us back, is there anything holding you back?