Not fun, but when I started this plan 235 days ago I told myself just to do it, it's not for long, at that point I thought it was only going to be about 6 months of my life, but because I've stopped and messed around so many times, next Sunday will mark the beginning of my 9th month on plan, completely my own fault.
If I can SS for the next 35 days - as planned - It's really possible I will achieve my goal, I didn't think so 5 days ago but I've been 100% (except for my tiny plum) and as a reward the Scales are actually moving more than I expected. It's simple - stock to the plan and it works.
And it's hard right, at one point last night the food smells had got all my digestive systems flowing, my stomach hurt, I was burping and hiccuping and at one point felt so sick, but I didn't give in. Food will always be there.
In fact here's a good example, a couple of weeks back my parents were looking for something quick to eat, I sorta invented something for them to try (which will be a recipe on my food blog when I get it sorted!) mum made it as per my instruction and it was amazing, they both loved it, I had a tiny bite and it was heaven. A week later they were making it again, i joined them this time, recipe was tweaked and there was a kitchen disaster - I ate it, it wasnt great, and suffered all night in pain after too! - it wasn't worth it, I guess what in saying is I had far more joy from my little corner nibble.
35 days is nothing, apart from about £300 in products - wont in be nice to have that money back (well some of it at least!). I know some of you have much longer but this is what is keeping me going for now.