Silver Member
Glad you enjoyed your dairy milk 
It was brilliant, I saw the great gatsby and really enjoyed my dairy milk. I forgot to put it in the freezer though!
Heading off to the gym soon. Don't really want to go actually, but am forcing myself. I pay £20 a month so I should get my moneys worth!
Did 20mins in the gym, wasn't too bad once I was there!
Was naughty after lunch and scoffed two dairy milks :/ I was going to have chicken dippers for tea but as I was naughty I've had to adjust my dinner to fit in my points so I'm going to have a weight watchers cottage pie- 5pp.
Going out again tonight to see Bill Bailey at the theatre but as I was naughty earlier I wont be taking anything to eat!
Breakfast- weetos 4pp, milk 1pp
Lunch- 4 ryvita crackerbread 2pp, kingsmill danish bread 1pp, extra light cheese triangle 0pp, ham 1pp, marmalade 1pp, pom bear crisps 3pp, 2x dairy milk 12pp, kinder choc 3pp
Dinner- ww cottage pie 5pp, veg 0pp
Snack- muller chocolate dessert 3pp, banana 0pp
36pp total
33 dailies
3 weeklies
27 weeklies remaining
activity- slow walking 25 mins- 2pp, gym 20 mins 2pp. total for the week 5pp
Well it's almost tea time and I'm starving. Just got back from asda and bought some WW chocolate muffins. Only 5pp eachWill be having one of those later with a muller chocolate dessert poured over the top. Yum!
So it seems I too had an IBS attack today. It was that damn chocolate I ate yesterday! Thankfully I was feeling better before the meal and was able to go. It was a world buffet- they had chinese, mexican, italian, thai. I had 3 slices of pizza and some chips and resisted everything else. Everyone else was eating plates and plates and trying all the different desserts! I only resisted as I knew I couldn't eat much more or I'd be ill again.
I couldn't really point what I ate, so I don't know how many weeklies I have left this week. I'm just assuming they're all gone and will stick to my dailies from now on to be on the safe side.
Ooo you could micro it and I bet it would taste like choc sponge with choccie custard!! Nomsville!
I'm weird in that I don't like hot chocolate cake! I prefer it cold with a hot custard. But I left it cold today, but it was very yummy and all of my dessert was 8pp
I finally got around to weighing my ham and discovered it was 0pp for 15g which was a pleasant surprise.
Breakfast- weetos 4pp, milk 1pp
Lunch- 4 ryvita crackerbread 2pp, extra light laughing cow cheese triangle 0pp, 15g wafer thin ham 0pp, 2 slices kingsmill danish bread 3pp, 2 tsp marmalade 3pp, pom bear crisps 3pp
Dinner- birds eye potato waffle 1pp, southern fried chicken steak 7pp, baked beans 2pp, green beans 0pp, carrot 0pp, broccoli 0pp
Dessert- ww chocolate muffin 5pp, light muller choc dessert 3pp
total 34pp
33 dailies
1 weekly
activity points earned- 25min slow walking 2pp. 9pp total for the week.
Is it still unsettled? Mine hasn't got back to normal yet either
Well I'm off to my dad's today for lunch. He's buying some crusty rolls and it's 10pp for two!!! I am taking my own extra light laughing cow triangle with me as that is 0pp, no point in wasting another 5pp on cheddar cheese if I can help it.