(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
really!!!!! bargain, adding those to my shopping list!!
A proud member of The (Will)Powerpuff Girls![]()
Do you reckon Veggie Food is cheaper than Meat? X
Veggie fingers are my guilty pleasure, haha! I like them to be soggy and I don't think the veg are very healthy after they've been cooked for so long but I like them. I still cook extra vegetables to have on the side.
Well today has been brilliant food wise, bang on target and I feel fantastic! I am finally getting to grips with it all.
I took my dog Archie out for another walk but still not feeling up to going to the gym yet. I shall probably go back next week.
Really been enjoying this weather, have been sitting in the garden reading my Jodi Picoult books- I love her, she writes books that really grip you and get you thinking.
breakfast- coco pops 3pp, milk 2pp
lunch- 4 ryvita crackerbread 2pp, ham 0pp, laughing cow extra light 0pp, kingsmill 50/50 2pp, marmalade 1pp, quavers 2pp, 2 bourbons 4pp
dinner- birds eye battered cod 7pp, 2 birds eye potato waffles 2pp, veg 0pp
snacks- ww muffin 5pp, iceland chocolate dessert 3pp
33/33 points
activity points- 25mins slow walking 2pp. total so far 4pp
Fab Day Sweetie. X Well Done. X