(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
I'm baaaaack!
3lb lossI was sure I'd blown it last night with my 50pp but looks like it was all fine!
Shez I will have to try the popping candy one when I've finished my cookie crunch, though I'm trying to make it last a really long time!
Haha Emma I wondered where you'd got toI'm glad you found me!
Thanks Serena
Well here is today's intake
Breakfast- shredded wheat 4pp, milk 1pp
Lunch- 4 ryvita crackerbread 2pp, extra light laughing cow 0pp, ham 0pp, kingsmill 50/50 2pp, marmalade 1pp, walkers french fries 2pp
Dinner- ww lasagne 6pp, carrot 0pp, broccoli 0pp, iceland chocolate dessert 3pp, banana 0pp
Snacks- cadbury marvellous creations 6pp, freddo 3pp, milky way 3pp
activity points created- 25 mins slow walking 2pp, 20 mins aerobics 2pp, 20 mins power walking 2pp. Total so far 6pp.
I'm pleased that I've done so much activity in one day! And I've not had any biscuits so that's day one of the (will)powerpuff girls challenge complete!
OMG I, so proud of you Sweetie and there was u having a panic, 3lb is AMAZING! I really hope my Weeklies usage gives me such a good loss! X