Ohh i absolutely LOVE terry's chocolate orange. Mmmm.
Sparkswillfly they're silly films but a good laugh!
Today's intake:
Breakfast- large bowl weetos 5pp, milk 2pp, bran flakes 1pp, milk 1pp
Lunch- 4 ryvita crackerbread 2pp, extra light cheese triangle 0pp, ham 0pp, kingsmill 50/50 2pp, marmalade 1pp, walkers french fries 2pp
Dinner- 2 richmond thick sausages 9pp, waffle 3pp, veg 0pp, baked beans 2pp
Snack- iceland chocolate dessert 3pp, strawberries 0pp, banana 0pp, time out 2pp
33/33 dailies
2 weeklies
31 weeklies remaining
activity points- 40 mins slow walking- 3pp. total for the week 11pp.
I had two breakfasts this morning haha. I woke up early with my boyfriend and had weetos about 7.20am then I was starving by 10.30 so had some bran flakes haha.