Time to take control!

54? blimey! and thats a very good question cos when i added it up again i didnt even get 34! lol but i think i put down 25 instead of 35 which is the pounds and not the stone. Blimey how did i get 34? lol
Thanks love so hmmm 54 points do you have to use all of those up plus the what 49 a week extra too?
Sorry for annoying you about this hon, just wanna make sure you get to eat all your pp cuz this diet is for slowly reducing food intake rather than starving your body ya know!? I've asked again in another thread for you with your details to make sure... Around 41pp sounds about right though... XxX

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You eat all your dailies, you don't _have_ to use weeklies but I've been using mine cuz I'm on 29pp and I'm a hungry gal lol ;) x

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To be honest love, you don't look like you need to loose any weight :)
I've decided on 3lb a week which should take me to two stone beforemy hols in October (I think) but long term goal i wonna be about 12 stone but then i think ive been big all my life and don' wonna be too skinny if that makes sense? Size 16-18 in the end would be perfect!
So its 41 discovery but if its pro points bout 54?
I double checked for you with someone else on here and they got 54pp too. Just remember you'll need to recalculate as you lose weight. ;) Its good you've got goals hon, stick to your plan. It'll take a while but you can do it chick!
Actually I was 14st last year and lost 2st then stopped, now I've started again. Want a healthy bmi again... Getting there slowly hehe! Propoints is a pretty good diet chick, you wont feel like you're missing out on food or like you're hungry all the time ya know. I'm sure you'll lose a few.pound a week at first, if that slows down eventually don't worry... Happens to us all lol! X

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how's it going hun ?x
Hey Jem, its None existant at the min TOTM and i juat want to eat everything! Altho am not eating thigs like choc and crisps its more bread :s confused! But sat looking at the starter packs online so going to see if i can buy one of those and do it from home. Hows things going with you hun?x

Sarah thanks for re-checking the points for me you're a diamond! Deff going to do what you're doing home stuff, i really didnt realise how much it was to go to a class!! :(
I'm sooooooo CONFUSED!!! Been good all week and i've put on 3lb? ok so my weigh in day isn't till Monday and i've got someone to order me the pack from Ebay as its kind of expensive to go each week.

BUT i think i do realise where I'm going wrong WHITE BREAD!! I stopped having white bread when i first started loosing weight three weeks ago and since then gradually lost a pound or so, but this week because i changed to weight watchers and thought you could eat that i'm now starting to think that maybe this is where i'm going wrong on my diet? I need to cut out all white bread and start a fresh! Will be excellent when my pack comes with my dinky calculator :)

Hope everyones having a good week so far xx
I still eat bread hon. need to eat less of it myself! But once you get your calculator you'll be flying cuz you'll be able to make sure of the pp values of anything you're eating. :) x you'll have that 3lb off in no time, try not to weigh yourself before weigh in (i know its hard, I do it too sometimes)

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hey Leese I'm good hun...don't worry about the 3lb's hun its totm and we all gian some weight them you will probably find it's gone come wi on monday....I would go to a first meeting hun to get your daily pp's allowance and official start weight ..then do it from home from then on ..you can get free registration coupons in some magazines so that will mean less to pay on the first night....I didn't think I ate a lot of bread until I went to cut it out than I realised just how much I did eat and missed it so much....I try to have it only once in the day either beakkie or lunch.....everything will make more sense when your pack arrives and then you will be flying hun... hope this helps (and doesn't offend)....have a good weekend X
Thanks guys wha would i do without you :) You're both ickle diamons :)
Pack has been sent off for already other wise yeah it would have made more sense to just go to one class and do it that way (I have no brain! lol)
Rather excited about it all, i know TOTM is a problem for me always has been just felt like i want to eat everything altho i only had 1 piece of chocolate through all of it! Go ME!
I think you're right i've been having porridge and hovis white bread with ham on it all week for dinner then one day i had poached egg on toast so i prob had like 4-5slices in one day so that probably could have done it for me. I actually like brown bread now so will be going back on that from now on :)
Hope you guys are still going strong :) x Roll on this pack coming so i can get myself into it :)
Well, seeing as i'm waiting to go on my date i thought i'd pop along and say hello to everyone! Wish me luck cos I havnt been on a date in two years :( nervous is not the way i feel right now!! hehe
I've decided from next week i'm going to eat brown bread only and hope that helps with weight loss pack has got to be here soon :) x
A date!! How exciting :D x hope it goes well for you chick... Let us know how you get on ;)

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its now 11.15 and i've just got back in from 3pm from my date :) this was the second date and it lasted a lot longer than the first one! Had a fab time! We really like each other i ended up cooking fajitas cos he cant cook, but was so much fun, not told him i'm doing weight watchers yet tho so will leave it a lil while but i'm all happy happy happy, already asked me for a third date :) hehe roll on next Saturday :) xx
Hey hun. Im fairly new to this weight watchers malarky. Just wanted to wish you all the best.
Thats great your date went well ;) xx
Hello Leese,

I'm new to this site too and to propoints but when you get your book and your little calculator it'll be so much easier. I really love this site too its so much help just to write out a food diary and know that if your going wrong someone will tell you and point you in the right way and of course when you do well someone always gives you a pat on the back.

If I can help in anyway just ask. I've a diary on here too.

How exciting about your date. What are you's doing for your next one?

So cool that your date went well hon!! You must be all excited :D lol I'm doing this for 6 weeks now and still haven't ordered a pack off ebay! Must do that! X

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Thanks guy means alot :) Will be looking at everyones diaries for insparation! Next date is next Saturday he works in security and weird hours so next Saturday it is, hopefully weathers nice we're going for a picnic some where nice :)

Ok food for Monday

Porridge 5p

Go ahead 3 pack forest fruit i have no idea on points so hmmm 4?

Brown bread 4pp
butter lightly spread 2pp
Ham 2?
4 small sausage rolls 5pp
Skips 2 pp
Mullerlight Strawberry 3pp

Meatball pasta bake 10points
Garlic Bread x 2 = 8

Which is 45 pp and i'm meant to have 54?

Edited to add garlic bread cos i adore the stuff!

If anyone feels i've pointed wrong then please let me know as i'm doing this from other peoples posts. Much appreciated Leese xx
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Hey hon. Looks yum! I have those go ahead slices but they're in a 4pack? Its 5pp for 4 so you'd be right in saying its 4pp for 3 :) Ham... Depends on what ham I suppose. I use 2 slices of denny ham for 1pp.
No idea about sausage rolls actually, haven't had any in ages! Mullerlights I pp at 2.
Pasta is 1pp per 10g (dry weight). Mmm I love pasta and meatballs lol! You've done a good job on your menu there :D x

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You know the go ahead things we are talking about the biscits with dried fruit in aint we? I'm sure theres only 3 in the ones i get.
SAusage rolls i saw on another post hehe, and pasta is the reciepee on here so will deffinately make sure i weight them :)
Ham is just some morrisons own wafer thin ham tastes much better than expensive stuff.
Thank you soooooo much for looking through and correcting me on my points :) is it better to over point things? I'm sure i saw someone point mullerlights strawberrys at 3pp, i guess everyone points differently. I'm just sooo excited!! :) i have curly wurleys for my choc fix hehe x SHould have my pack this week so i can point things much better :) x