Tinks diary

Just saw your update!! yay - how you getting on?! :)
Any baby yet :) x
Yeah baby Brooke born yesterday 7lbs 11 at 12 dinner

Stayed in last night hopefully home today will post my birth story when i get chance , my discreet water birth turned into a forceps delivery selling tickets on the door!!


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Congratulations!! She's so cute. Hope you're doing ok. X
Thank you all. We are doing well after the whole birthing ordeal ha ha. Im getting used to what she wants and we had a good night last night which I'm happy with as i feel im doing my mummy job well. Been telling hubby to sleep when he gets up around 6.30/7.30 and leaves me to sleep for a few hours which seems to work well for now while he's off work.
Well its my birthday today and my little girl is one week old it really had gone so quick.

We have booked to go and register her thought it would make a special birthday , then going for dinner and to do a bit of birthday shopping although shes the best present i could ever wish for.

Lets hope shes a good girl! X
Happy Birthday for yesterday!

Thought I would pop on and subscribe :)
Well hubbys back at work tomorrow eek! Only for two days then he has a long weekend off. Lots of naps for me through the day iv been doing the nights anyway but he does lots during the day for me we will both miss him!
Hi hun! I think I missed the birth of your baby girl as I haven't been around lately!

So...a belated congratulations to you!!

I hope you are both well xxx
Well three weeks old now!

Its going to be a long day, i haven't been to bed since her 1am bottle, shes slept but as soon as i put her in her crib or moses basket she wakes up and gets upset, it soo hard not to fall asleep with her in the spare bed or on the couch , iv even been back to bed this morning and the same happened went to sleep with me i moved her on her own on the bed to check she was sleeping put her in her crib and she woke again! Iv had little 20 mins sleep thats it!

Shes been good all weekend now hubby's at work today she doesn't sleep sods law, good job shes cute when shes snuggled up with me!!