Tinks diary

3 weeks my big girl x


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Aww she's gorgeous :) xx
Hope you're doing well.
Hubbys off today and we are out for tea i have just had a shower washed ma hair taken off my old nail polish and put make up on and feel ace ha ha !!!
Just booked the christening , very exciting and its only in march on mothers day .


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Just booked the christening , very exciting and its only in march on mothers day .

Aww yay! How exciting!

Your bubba is sooooooo gorgeous :) x
Thank you, cant wait to dress shop for her .

Cant believe the difference in Brooke in just these last few days. Shes focusing a lot more, watching her toys and im sure she smiles a peek a boo!

Hubbys on 12-8 this week which is rubbish as we get up at 10 as hes leaving and go to bed at half 10 and hes only been home an hour!
Well fed Brooke at 10 last night as usual then she slept until 4 had a bottle then is just having one now , if it carrys on im a lucky mummy!
Yeah, shes done it last few nights now, 10 feed then nearly 4 then this morning it was quarter to 9! Brill for me,

Its just messed up day feeds and times but never mind i feel miles better to sleep, just means she has a little bottle 2/3oz to put her on so her last bottles at 10 seems to be working so far .

This was Brooke getting her big sister a build a bear for christmas!


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Aw poor babas got a sticky eye , been cleaning it and called NHS direct feel like i was mithering but didnt want to het to monday and it be worse see the Dr and they tell me off for not doing anything sooner ha ha ! But they said just keep cleaning it. Shes currently just going back to sleep after her bottle at 4.30 after her last one just after 10! Im lucky mummy x
Aww Thomas had his from birth to 6 months!!
Mostly they go away quite quickly though x
Glad to hear it's better :)

I think just us wiping it bothered him, his sheets needed changing all the time as the dried gunk would be everywhere, lovely! Lol
Glad to hear it's better :) I think just us wiping it bothered him, his sheets needed changing all the time as the dried gunk would be everywhere, lovely! Lol

Just another bodily function we have to clean up ! Ha ha iv had them all this morning straight in the bath.

Well this week is all about eating, all the rubbish in the house! Going for the first night out at the weekend then monday back on the diet. I have over 2 and half stone to loose to get back to pre pregnancy weight so slim fast / calorie counting will start again. Mike doing it to as hes put on my pregnancy pounds aswel ha ha. I have Brookes christening in march so hoping a stone and a half maybe 2 off by then.

We thought about doing insanity we have the dvds but im still sore , forgot to have pain killers yesterday and wasn't very comfortable, hope i get feeling normal soon.
What's slim fast? Is it them shakes? I'm thinkin f doing calorie counting for now then maybe back to slimming world, at the moment it's just cutting out stuff that I don't need lol that's hard enough by itself x

Yeah the shakes , they are nice easy and a brill way to start calorie counting as you have two shakes , three 100 cal snacks and one 600 cal meal the you can replace one shake and then another when you are loosing . But you dont have to cut a single thing out. Just stay within calories i have crisps and a biscuit most days x