Tinks diary

Have you washed all of your baby clothes? I was only going to wash a few bits lol, I can't wait to pack my hospital bag :D I'm planning to write a list and start packing around 33 weeks x[/QUOTE

O yeah course. When you think the material has been stored then items made in them factories abroad then shipped here then stored in warehouses then sent to shops and put out by people ! I wont be doing it till shes 20 or anything but as long as things need sterilising i will !

Im going doing a big shop for my bag next week xx
Dont think you have to they dont feel as new as they did but its just me! Ironing is boring, wish i had a dryer probably wouldn't need to do it!

Keep the plastic packets the baby grow sets come in i have used them to put the vests in one, coning home out fit in another and labelled with a sharpie !! Just thought it would be easier x
Well thats my bag packed been to buy everything today.

Got a tankini and swim skirt incase i can use the pool

Nighty incase i cant!

Two pairs of thin joggers, pjs all seemed too fitting, and two plain tops so i can wear them as pjs or clothes and even go home in them if i want.

Leggings and top for a going home

Out fit for my stepdaughter for if she comes to the hospital so she can have a nice photograph

got all my toiletries so just need to pop some magazines in just incase and few snacks etc but that can be done nearer to the time. Im 10 min walk from the hospital so if anythings forgotten or needed some one can get it for me x
Aw my third wedding anniversary today, been out for a lovely meal at weekend and been bought a lovely willow tree figure and pandora.
Feel so lucky and next year will have our baby with us !


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happy anniversary!! x
I live feeling baba move around and the kicks and how excited it makes hubby but she never stops! Non idea when she sleeps these last few days hope shes not quite as active when shes here ha ha x
Went to see the midwife yesterday baby is head down now so probably explained the being out of breath , wonder if she will stay they for the duration my little wriggler! Said shes growing nicely hope that doesn't mean big. Now will be seeing her every two weeks, 39 days to go now
She would have said big if she meant it although I don't think they like to estimate sizes where I go I measured 36 weeks at 35+4 but in my scans baby measures big so I know it's not going to be small lol just got to breath through it! I'm on the raspberry leaf tea haha x
She would have said big if she meant it although I don't think they like to estimate sizes where I go I measured 36 weeks at 35+4 but in my scans baby measures big so I know it's not going to be small lol just got to breath through it! I'm on the raspberry leaf tea haha x

I wouldn't necessarily believe what they say at scans either. I was measuring 30 at 25 weeks then I evened out. They kept telling me I was having a 'big' baby at all my scans towards the end and Cole weighed 7.12. So, to me, average sized. And a friend had a baby two weeks ago, they said she was a chubby baby and she weighed 6 and half pounds. X
I will wait to be surprised then ! Suppose births not going to be pleasant what ever the weight !

3d scans are on group on so tempted to get another this week just cant wait to meet the little lady 5 more weeks to go till due date best not keep me waiting ha ha x
Great dress I have the exact same one. Looking well xx
I love that dress!! Even though I'm not pregnant, I want it!! Lol. Where's it from please?x
It's red herring at debenhams and it's only in the maternity size but I don't know if that matters ? Lol
It's red herring at debenhams and it's only in the maternity size but I don't know if that matters ? Lol

I might buy one anyway ;) for 'next time' lol x
It was in the sale to! 70% off £13

Tbh it just a maxi dress , i fit in to non maternity so prob wont make a difference ha ha ! X
It was in the sale to! 70% off £13 Tbh it just a maxi dress , i fit in to non maternity so prob wont make a difference ha ha ! X

I just looked, they don't have it in my size :( typical lol x