Tinks diary

Well four weeks to go and think baby is getting bored now trying to crawl out my sides!!

Baby feeding class tonight , been told its all different methods hope she was telling the truth and trying to force breast feeding - we will see x
Well four weeks to go and think baby is getting bored now trying to crawl out my sides!! Baby feeding class tonight , been told its all different methods hope she was telling the truth and trying to force breast feeding - we will see x

I've opted not to take antenatal classes, have i missed out lol? Is your baby back to back or is her back and bum sticking out? I've always got a big lump of bum sticking out going rock hard so I don't get much kicks just rolls x
It was a bit about everything but did try and hard sell breast feeding! They talked about safe sleeping, using a sling most of the time as you should never leave baby crying as if they are crying they need you ! Kangaroo care and skin to skin they said even if you don't want it we really suggest it! And safe sleep.

And staggered feeding, they showed a little ball which was their belly saying first few days they can only take 20mil a time then third day about 30-40mil ( a ping pong ball) so they should feed every few hours for ages rather then going by oz. and that they should be sat up with bottle vertical doesn't matter if there is air in the teat as this is why colic is so common as they are way over fed?

So l dont know now cant imagine having to feed little and so often and not make bottles up before hand. Just going to see how we go when shes here.

She was head down bum to the side so lots of rolls rather then kicks. X
We paid for antenatal classes and glad we did I intend to breastfeed and the rest of the group did but the lady who came and did talk was so relaxed she was happy to cover all subjects regarding feeding and formula but no one asked about formula.

It was good for oh to learn about his role and speak with other men and also we have kept intouch so a nice little network of friends for when baby arrives.

Learned about what to expect in labour pain relief options how to breath different positions. I also through seeing an outreach breastfeeding team learned that new evidence suggests you can't over spoil a baby in first 6 weeks and it's ok to hold and be with them often it helps there development. Think UNICEF are publishing something.

Class also discussed how brain developed outside of womb. Techniques to try when baby is crying and won't stop. Discussed shake baby syndrome. Etc how to bath change nappies etc etc watching oh change a nappy was fascinating lol x
Antenal sounds good im booked on one next week its a good few hours then they meet you at the hospital to show you round, thats going to make it seem so real!

Do i have to start huffing and panting in front of everyone tho?!

I dont mind them talking about breast feeding its an option for most people just not for me. Im still trying to figure out how to do skin to skin without the mid wide being hands on! I want a water birth and have a tankini she can go on my belly at first in the water, i have a sports top for after so that will be as bare as im going so they can lime it or lump it!!

Aw I will still be learning as i go! Hope shes here sooner then 4 weeks hope it doesnt get to 6! X
Just had my midwife appointment heads engaged and alls well. She wouldn't guess when she will come tho ha ha !

3 more shifts left at work maternity here i come x
Yay mines 1/5th engaged so 4/5ths left to go god knows how long that will take I just hope it's before induction lol x
Aw hope its soon for you.

Oo she didn't get that technical but i was worried shes such a wriggler that she would be breech or something.

Good luck come on baby x
First day of maternity leave. Had my mum round to sort out kitchen cupboards now baby has her own!

Was spoilt rotten at work yesterday and cant wait for baby shower sunday then she can come when she wants!


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Anti natal class was fine no one sitting on the floor or on all fours ha ha. Only covered whats in books really but good to hear about pain relief, i don't fancy pethidine mainly due to the type of drug it is and in work on a mental health ward which puts me off. And i really don't want an epidural as i don't want a catheter which i didn't know before and was quite open to having.

Looking around the hospital was a help to made it all real.

Only problem now is on top of all my public nudity fears i now have the fear of someone else's birthing partner getting lost and strolling in my delivery room which she said has happened before !!!
I had pethidine and gas and air. I couldn't have done without the pethidine but I really didn't want an epidural, however ended up having a crash section with a spinal and it really wasn't as bad as I expected, my advise is keep an open mind try not to rule anything out. All my birth plan said was no epidural and no section and I got both lol. I kept pretty covered throughout but honestly you do stop caring as you are completely consumed by what's going on in your body as for someone coming in the wrong room....... Put a bouncer on the door?!? :) hopefully it won't happen xx
When I want in for my midwife appointment (she isn't the nicest midwife I get)around 4 weeks ago and she mentioned that I should fill in my birth plan and they don't recommend anyone using pethadine as if affects the baby, so I got told to fill in my birth plan but then got told not to use pethadine, lol alrighty then, I still haven't filled it out, I will just go with the flow if I can do it with gas and air then I will and if I can get pain relief I'm not gonna refuse it, she also tried to make me choose breastfeeding, safe to say I prefer the other midwifes I see there not blunt and push things on me :/
To be honest girls my midwives didn't even look at my birth plan.. And if they had they would have just seen that it said aslong as I get a happy healthy baby I don't care what happens ! As it turned out I just had the gas and air and use of the birthing pool but in my opinion birthing plans area bit pointless because you can't plan how it will happen you just take it as it comes! X
Thanks all.

I wont say no to anything but i know the positives and negatives now.

Te lady said to leave it blank the birth plan they will ask you at each step anyway. All mine will be is no students and use the pool if possible the rest i will just wait and see.

Just had my baby shower such a lovely day but tiered now will make a start putting all her presents away tomorrow i think she had an outfit for every day till shes 6 months! Xx
well managed to find room for all her new things from the baby shower. Got a few bits that I'm going to change for 3-6 months as got plenty of 0-3 maybe just need maybe a pack of baby grows but plenty of vests etc . Hope thats not rude don't think any one will notice!

Just booked appointment at midwifes friday fingers crossed with two weeks to go i wont need to book another one!
Midwife appointment today alls well and hopefully wont need to go again. If so she mentioned a sweep which i really really don't want ! X
Last night my belly tightened a few time, made me very excited ha ha first niggle i have had although i know it prob means nothing! Week and half left but im soo ready for this baba to come. Im not sleeping at all so mite as well have a reason to be awake ! Xx