Well, that was an interesting evening! Vodka helped, but it generally could have gone better!
We arrived, and all was ok. He was more nervous than me, which started to bug me a little. And he seems to be one of these people who overcompensates when feeling nervous, so wouldn't blummin shut up!
His boss then started asking about my job, and what the most interesting question was that I've had. So I replied, and he proceeded to pick holes in my answer, and go on to tell me how wrong I was, and how he was right. Now.....I'm one for a good argument.....but I don't appreciate someone picking holes in what I do for a job. He was basically being a p**ck, and made me quite uncomfortable.
But, me being me, continued to fight my corner, but when up against someone saying over and over again "You're wrong", I kinda lost the will to carry on. And he is also one of these people who tries to get everyone to fight in his corner with him, whereas I go it alone. But I did take great delight in proving him wrong a little later on.
He seems to be one of those people who likes proving people wrong, and getting an ego boost. Unfortunately for him, under better circumstances, I would eat him alive
And just to add insult to injury, his lordship has reported back this morning that all his work people think I'm shy.....
Anyone in their right mind would be shy, when thrown on a table of people who you have no idea who they are, sat next to a bloke you've been seeing for a month, and another bloke who seems determined to make you look like a right t*t. I would rather be shy and quiet, than loud, obnoxious, and generally egotistical.
I think his lordship knows I'm a little ticked off. It is a pet hate of mine to be called shy, like it's a bad thing. I'm also going to have to tell him to stop telling him work colleagues EVERYTHING about me, as it's a little disconcerting, and makes me think twice about everything I say and do. As his muppet of a boss has annoyed me, but I'll be damned if he finds out he has!
...I like him, but my thoughts could change. He looked after me, making sure I was ok and showing me affection at the meal. But he seems to put an act on around people, to compensate for low self esteem (Apparently). And that just isn't my bag. I am what I am, and I expect others around me to be the same.
Rant over