Tinytootz food diary

You'll be fine.
Isn't it frustrating how quickly wine syns go on - grr and I just can't bring myself to drink anything else lol!
Day 62: 25/11/10 - Red

Bran flakes - HE
milk - HE
Raisins - 1.5

2x eat smart sausages - 1
Beans - HE
tomato sauce - 1

Roasted veg (carrots, butternut, peppers, onions)
Low fat marg - 2
Dairylea triangle - 1/2 HE
Something to go with it! (gammon, chicken, steak.....no idea yet!)

Didn't want to go out today, but I've ran out of milk and de-icer - Boooooooo! It's -1 :(

3rd date tomorrow me thinks. Not too sure about it anymore. He seems to have 'cooled' off so to speak, but then as a cancerian, I'm possibly being too sensitive. I don't usually believe all that jazz, but I do seem to fit the bill pretty well....then again, I probably fit them all!
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Oooh love your new pic of your kitty.
I think it must be pretty cold here too - there's still frost on the rooves brr. I'm still staying warm in bed though!

Fingers crossed about the 3rd date - and if he is cooling off then he clearly isn't 'the one' but at least you had fun with him and it showed you internet dating wasn't that scary!
Aye too true! He probably isn't cooling off at all, but I'm one of these people who reads into everything, which is a nightmare!

And yep, that's my little fluffy bundle of pain in the a**e :D

Hope you feel better soon. Good reason to not go out at all and stay warm and cosy!
I know what you mean, I'm like that too - read way too much into everything and sit worrying about it for far too long!

Where will you be going tomorrow?
No idea! Mentioned cinema, but it's so cliché, I'm not so keen! We will work it out later, and of course, I will report back ;)

Going to distract myself this afternoon with some films I think, help me stop thinking about everything, as it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things! After freezing my a**e off outside, that is!
Day 63: 26/11/10 - EE

Well, date went well, diet didn't! Oh well!

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

6x McD nuggets - 9
3/4 reg fries - 7

SW chips
low fat mayo - 2

Could have been faaaaar worse!
Day 64: 27/11/10 - nothing really!

Weetabix - HE
milk - HE


And I forgot to eat tea......instead I opted for some wine :(
Day 65: 28/11/10 - Greeeeen

Weetabix - HE
milk - HE

WM pitta - HE
1/2 fat cheese - HE

Mug shot

1/3 bottle of wine with my date.....oooh lala! - 9ish

I need to start eating properly again. Had a sneaky weigh this morning, and I seem to have lost, which considering what i've ate this week, I shouldn't. I put it down to lack of food being consumed! Bad lass :(
Day 66: 29/11/10 - Red

Bran flakes - HE
milk - HE
raisins - 1.5

WM pitta - HE
tiny bit of 1/2 fat cheese - 1/2 HE


Simply salmon
butternut squash
red onion
low fat marg - 2
dairylea light triangle - 1/2 HE
Tartare sauce - 2

My usual monday pre-weigh in meal it seems! Ah well, tis tasty!
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Hey you, how did your Sunday night date go?

Good luck for weigh in, I'm sure you'll be ok. But you do need to start eating more food...
:) Sunday night went great, bless him! He had tidied up especially, and put the fire on as I'm always moaning I'm cold! He's ever so sweet, the old arm round the shoulder thing :eek:

And I know, going to try super hard to eat more food! Just not been hungry, and gotten into the habit of skipping meals, which is a nightmare :(
Ah bless he sounds lovely. When are you meeting next?
Well, 1.5 off this week :D proper chuffed, just hope I can maintain it somehow. Loads of snow today, so much so, I ain't going out in it! And neither is the cat it seems.......:)

Seeing him again Friday me thinks, unless I'm snowed in! The whole thing is very cute, and no rush towards anything at all, which suits me fine.

Going to try my hardest to behave this week with SW.

Day 67: 30/11/10 - Greeeeeen

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

chicken - HE

SW chips
baked beans
1/2 fat cheese - HE

My usual Tuesday meals :) Likely there will also be 1/2 bottle of wine, or perhaps a couple of vodkas - my other usual Tuesday routine :D

Bad lass..........;)
Well done on the loss woohoo!!
And enjoy the wine or vodka.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for Friday and hope you don't get snowed in!! We only got a dusting last night (on top of last weeks snow turned ice) but they've forecast more today... brrr
Ok, so it was half a bottle of wine AND 2x 25ml of vodka! Oh well, I blame the snow! It's proper deep here, way above my ankles. Soggy jeans = unhappy me.

My fingers are severely crossed for Friday! :D
Well, I'm as good as snowed in! Perhaps a foot of snow in areas, and guess who's ran out of vitals? Yes.....me! No potatoes, no pasta, no frylite........Today will be interesting!

Day 68: 1/12/10 - Red probably!

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Toad in the hole - 60g flour (9, makes 2, so 4.5 for me today)
75ml skimmed milk (1/2 HE)
2x eat smart sausages - 1
Baked beans - HE

butternut squash
turkey escalope thing - 9

Kinda high syn day for me today, but I also intend on doing some cooking. If the snow starts to clear, I *may* go to the shops......eeep!
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Well, I've ran out of food, so today I'm gonna have to attempt to dig out the car - not looking forward to it, it probably won't start!

Day 69: 2/12/10 - Greeeeen (out of convenience!)

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Pasta pack thingy

SW chips
baked beans
1/2 fat cheese - HE
MW pitta - HE

I'm sure I'll throw some other stuff in there at some point.
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Day 70: 3/12/10 - Greeeen

Ok, so I was hit by the not-eating monster again...

Bran flakes - HE
Milk - HE
sultanas - 1.5

Cheese, leek, ham pasta pack - 1

And that's it......apart from some diet coke :(

Bad bad me
Day 71: 4/12/10 - EE

trimmed bacon
WM pitta - HE

lean mince
other stuff in it (mother made it!) - lets say 3 syns
potato salad (Mmmmm!) - 4
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