Tipperary will rock 2025

Nope, i cant take more time off but thats ok, i dont actually need any. Im just tired with all the travel ive been doing. Leaving now and will finish at about 4 today and then have a 3 day weekend. Just been eating food on the go, at my desk, in the car... Anywhere really.
I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle x
I hope you can get some rest over the weekend, nice to have the 3 days. I'm not surprised you have been eating quick foods at your desk etc, you have had so much going on Tipp, be kind to yourself. X
Thanks all. Im not going to pay any attention to food, drink or exercise this weekend. I will weight in on Monday and take it from there. Its only 4 or 5 weeks to our family Spanish holiday. Im definitly not going to be bikini ready. But i would like to be a bit fitter. My legs are very sore. My hip is painful, sore knees and swollen ankles. I know losing weight and more exercise is the answer. But sore knees and hip dont like exercise. I think part of it is due to driving, driving home from work my hip gets very sore and i have to lie down.
Plan for today is shopping and some more tidying of the garden and maybe even the polytunnel.
Its Mams birthday so i might also get my sewing machine out and make her a fidget quilt or fidget pillow. They are recommended for dementia patients that like to fidget, it gives them something to do. So the quilt or pillow will have different textures and buttons and beads and crackly bits to plsy with. Mam has the skin on her hands rubbed raw from constant rubbing so hopefully this will keep her occupied.
Enjoy the weekend all
Enjoy your bank holiday weekend then take it from there, 4 weeks is plenty of time to make a difference and be feeling a bit better before your holiday, it's so hard when you are pain but hopefully swimming will still be manageable. The fidget quilt for your Mam is a brilliant idea! We use them in work for lots of our patients and they really make a difference. Just make sure everything is really tightly stitched on, once or twice I have narrowly diverted disaster after seeing someone about to pop a button into their mouth!

Have a lovely weekend Tipp :classic_big_grin:
Thanks Clareel, its nice to know they do work.
It's a real catch 22 with painful joints - they will improve with exercise, but the exercise can be so painful! Same with my knees.

I hope you are having a lovely restful weekend, and just think in four weeks you'll be sunning yourself on a gorgeous Spanish beach!
I will be good today
I will be good today
I will be good today

And you all need to help me.
Having a porridge smoothie for breakfast and have packed for work pea and spinach soup, vegan sausage stew and rice, some crackers and a mandarin. It will be a long day at work, i have pool things packed but not sure if i will have the energy after work.
Lots of mini binges over the weekend and mini naps too. I did laundry and batch cooking but none of the planned gardening, walking, swimming or trip to the beach with the babies.

Spent practically all day yesterday trying to book flights and still dont know if its confirmed. Problems with card and paypal and booking engine mean one booking ref is confirmed but another is paid for. Over an hour talking to customer support didnt solve it.

Sleep was difficult, does anyone else get this... I feel like my neck is choking me. Its like my fat neck is leaning on my wind pipe and choking me and when i breathe it whistles. I have to keep moving to stretch my neck. Just another reason to lose weight, if only we could very specifically target weight loss to danger areas.

Will try to drop in later, but this job makes it more difficult.
Talk again.
Of course we'll help, in any way we can! But your food sounds great, you've done a lot of work to prepare, which is always the key!

Re sleep I feel like that if I sleep on my back - so I sleep on my side now.
On teabreak now and having the soup and three rye crackers.
Now that im in the city i must look out the rye rive cake thingies you get Susie. Where do you buy them
Thanks, we dont have Sainsburys but must find a larger supermarket with a large Ryvita selection
Vegan sausage stew and rice now.
Im in the office car park this week (its on a rota) so wearing heels, while it means i wont get walking done it also means i wont go out for lunch
What are you doing in the car park? :)

Space in the office car park is very limited so we each only get a week every 4 weeks. This is my week so not parked in my normal space a good 5 minute walk away.
As i dont have to walk im wearing heels instead of comfy shoes as a way of preventing me going out for lunch.
Its obvious reallyπŸ‘Œ
Another lovely day and getting ready for work, im sure you can hear the "enthusism" in my voice.
Wasnt too bad yesterday, was hungry again at afternoon teabreak, and tired.. So climbed the two flights of stairs for a break. Thought i had a nakd bar with me but didnt so had two small choc shortbread biscuits. It was that or i would have been hungry coming homevand stopped and bought crap to eat. Dinner at home was more pea and spinach soup, some butter bean puree and a lidl morroccoan veg pie. Went for a 3km walk. Had a slice of toast with butter when i came home and a cup of tea. It wasnt that i was particularly hungry but had guck caught in my throat afer walking and toast is the best way to clear it.
Plan for today is smoothie now, cup a soup and crackers for tea break, thai veg curry and skinny noodles for lunch. Dont know about dinner and hopefully a walk again.
Have a good day.
LOL thanks for explaining about the car park - but that's rough, not always being able to get a park - what do you do the other weeks?

Food last night sounds lovely, especially that pie! Mmm pie...