That's only a very small gain Tipp, you'll get rid of that in no time - but all the other stuff you describe, you sound to me like you've been having anxiety attacks? Not at all surprising, considering everything that's going on. I used to get them all the time, and used meditation to relax and calm myself down, so that meditation app might be worth continuing with.
I can tell you all about keto or low carb eating, did it for two years. There are all sorts of approaches - Atkins, South Beach, etc - but essentially you have to cut out virtually all carbs. Atkins says right down to no more than 20 grams a day for the induction phase, which is where your body goes into keto (starts using up its own body fat) and you have to be a label detective with everything - even down to calculating the carbs in spinach

The key to getting into keto is to eat lots of fat, seriously, lots of it! Oil, cheese, fat on meats, it all is important to helping you get to keto. If you don't do this, it won't work. A good site to look at is The Diet Doctor, lots of keto recipes and case studies. I lost about 3 stone fairly quickly but just couldn't sustain a low carb level - and it's a cruel way of eating, the minute you do have something carby, boom, a big weight gain!
If this doesn't appeal, then maybe just try and keep to SW levels for bread (60g a day), and don't eat pasta, rice or potatoes for a week or two and see if it makes a difference?