Tipperary will rock 2025

300g down and hoping to get more exercise in today and tomorrow.

It will be extremely busy a work the next 10 days so no idea about food or exercise then.
Getting my hair done today.
Oh and BMI has juts dropped below 32....so happy with that
Up and down...weight, emotions and stress that is.

No work today so will try to clean the house and maybe even clear out the fridge and try to make some soup.

Got my hair done yesterday so won't swim for a day or two (waste of a blow dry).
Brought my new hairdo out for dinner last night, fish and chips.....cider, wine, crackers, cheese so weight up this morning but hoping a busy weekend at work will sort it out. My favourite red heels are now comfortable on me so I need occasions to wear them.

For some reason I am having a longing for fat. Yesterday I was trawling the yougurt and cheese isles in Tesco, I was looking for high protein/low fat/low sugar...doesn't exist. Low fat has loads of added sugar. I don't know why but I wanted something with a fatty creamy texture, I settled for Aplro coconut yougurt....silly me, when I tasted it I remembered I'm not a fan of coconut. I went out and ate a spoonful of husbands cream on his dessert and when I got home I had toast with hazelnut butter. I never have cravings for fat...strange.
Those cravings are telling you something love - what about a little olive oil over a salad?

I get the same, every now and then I just must have some pineapple - it's to do with needing the enzymes or something like that :).

Good news on the red shoes! Do they go with your poppy dress?
Those cravings are telling you something love - what about a little olive oil over a salad?
Good news on the red shoes! Do they go with your poppy dress?

Actually, I think its Calcium I need, I wanted creamy yogurt soft cheesey type things.

Shoes don't go with the dress as they are clunky type shoes but don't worry I have at least 3 pairs of shoes to go with it. I collect shoes in all colours and keep the for a long time and red is my favourite colour for shoes....has been since I started to walk.

Of to work and no idea when I will be home, a wedding and a travel group in for the weekend so having my smoothie with lots of good things in it as I don't know when I will eat again. Packing an apple and some cereal bars and my bobble water filter bottle to keep me going.

Enjoy the weekend all
Morning all, I have a hangover and have decided this is the last hangover....ever.
Two busy days at work, I was chef on Saturday night and cleaning rooms two days as well. When I was interviewed I said I couldn't do rooms, I have a minor back injury and cant make beds, sweep or hoover. But they keep getting me to do it even though I weekly tell them I cant when I ask what days they need me. So came home, it was roasting out. Made a quick lunch and opened the wine. Had a nap and then had more wine with burgers and chips from takeaway.
Stupid me, I know.
I was speaking with one of the other staff members and she agreed that the haphazard way of staff rota is draining her too. I said I needed to go home and have a proper meal, that I seem to be eating a lot of sandwiches, she said she is living on cereal.

At home today and I haven't been told when I am in work next. Cleaning the house today, lots of dog hair to be hovered up, Im itchy everywhere from it.

I read back through all this thread today, great to see how far I have come even if it doesn't always feel like it.
I haven't weighed in for the past few days and will leave it to Wednesday. I need to get some exercise in tomorrow, not sure about today.

Enjoy the weather all, are you brave enough to bare some flesh
Ouchie to the hangover - takes me days to recover from them now!

Sounds like you need to stick to your plan of getting through the summer at work, then looking for something better, it just sounds too haphazard - and you so don't want to strain your back. Can't believe they just ignored you on that!
Hey Tipps

Your employees really don't have a good rota going do they? Its like they are expecting everyone to be chief cook and bottle wash (is that the phrase?!). Why is there no consistency in what you all do, with no proper breaks and time to eat a proper meal? I remember working in a hair dressers when I was very young (illegally young, they paid me a tenner for the whole of Saturday to work all day - ahh the 80's!!!) and I remember the hair stylists would all have half eaten sandwiches in the kitchen and take bites in between customers, so bad! As it was I used to go to the toilet just to sit down for a few minutes as i wasn't allowed to be seen to be idle!

It will either sort itself out or not. I just like to plan my week. "Official" email sent today saying I can't so rooms. I have two minor damaged discs side by side at the bottom of my back....one from when I was about 5 and the other at 20. If I am careful and swum and do physio then I don't have a problem.
Went to the city and bought two summer dresses in TXmaxx. One is linen, baggy, knee length....perfect for the weather we have now. The other is more like an over bikini dress.....very resort wear. Lime green and long crossover but open up to your bikini. I dared myself to buy is as it needs another 5 kg down to be respectable. Lunch out and we found a Thai restaurant and I had rice paper spring rolls and ramen noodle bowl. I had all the chicken and veg from the bowl and left most of the noodles.
Had a short 8km cycle yesterday and was quite good with food. We ate in a Thai restaurant and brought some rice paper rolls home with us...I ended up eating 4 through the day at 120 cal each. The only fat I had was whatever the chicken in the rolls or ramen was fried in and the good fats in my flaxseed.

Off to work now....have been asked in wed, Thurs, Fri, sat and sun but who knows if that will change. I even had to ring at 10.30 pm last night to be told I am in at 8 am.

Major decisions to be made...I don't want to be working so hard to lose weight and get fit and healthy and spend half the week just trying to undo what the other half did. I honestly have enough stress to be dealing with now with other stuff going on than to have work be a problem as well...and even I'm getting tired of me complaining. Darling husband has asked me to leave.

Am packing some fruit, a nakd bar and some rice cakes to bring with me.
Talk later
Have a good day all
Aw Tipps, sorry you feel so mixed about your job, but if it's making you stressed and unhappy, there is your answer. The thing is you do seem to like it, the job, it's just the erratic hours and no proper rules and regs. You have to take care of you. What about sticking it out until your holiday, and then say you have had enough, you could look for something when you get back...start a clean slate? Xxx
Thanks Charley, that was my plan. I am hoping to talk to my boss early next week to get some sense if regular hours. For example I knew I was working today and then told last night it was 9am to 11am and then 10pm tonight to finish anytime 3am to 6am and then back at 8.30am...crazy. My body clock doesn't know where it is and its not like I am 18 anymore.

I have been called for a job interview next Friday for the civil service...send good vibes all please as I could honestly do with a break and some sense of normality.

Throwing on a tracksuit, collecting daughter and grandson and dropping her to town and he is staying with me tonight. So we have a walk planned to see the ponies, then dinner and a bath and then darling husband will be him about 8pm and will go to work for 10pm. Home, quick nap then up with baby and will then kick husband awake and go back to work.

So I guess I won't be having any wine tonight and dinner is bacon butties at midnight.
That is crazy timetabling! They can't keep treating people like that and expect them to stay...

All fingers and toes crossed, and good vibes sending, for Friday - what's the job?

Hope it goes smoothly tonight x
Thanks...just clerical officer in some random government department....but it will be normal.
Went for a 2km walk with baby and dog to clear my head. Just had a cup of peppermint tea and a ham roll and getting changed to go to work. Baby in bed for an hour now, not asleep yet....he keeps replaying his music mobile but he's not crying so hopefully will drop off soon. I need to be careful he doesn't hear me go out or come back in.

Talk to you all sometime tomorrow.... Have an enjoyable Friday evening.
Hope works ok and baby sleeps well :) xxxx
Morning all, very very tired now even though I slept for about 11 hours.
I finally plucked up the courage to weigh in and happy to report a 0.5kg loss. I haven't had any proper eating plan for the past week or formal exercise but I have been physically active at work and eating very erratically. I really want to get some proper exercise today, I would love to go for a swim later or a cycle.
Dinner last night was pizza and wine so I need to get sorted out with food this week too. In fact I think I will write out a big shopping list and head to town later, Though I am waiting to get paid and also don't know yet if I am working today.

I am exactly 1 kg heavier than the goal I had set. If I can get a good two weeks of proper food and exercise then I think I can tackle that but I need a proper work schedule so I can timetable exercise in around it.
Clothes are looking better on me but my "two bellies" are still much too prominent and out of proportion to the rest of me and changing the clothing size I should be. I need some belly slimming exercise....any suggestions.

Have a good Sunday all, I will be trying hard to avoid "boozey Sunday"...though for some reason my body thinks it is Monday. Lots of paperwork to do today so will get cracking on it.
Well done on your loss Tipp, you are so close to your target, I'm sure you'll crack it over the next week or so.

Can't help on the belly exercises - sit ups any good?

Have a lovely day x
Sit ups would be great but they hurt my back.
I have one particular exercise using aqua weights in the pool so when I gat a chance I might just do lots of them.

Called into work for 1pm...I'm thinking of cycling there,,,,7km each way.
Well I didn't cycle to work as it was raining and got home about 9pm. I have the next 2 days off and need to go shopping for fruit, veg, handy healthy food I can throw in the oven after work and some vitamins/minerals. I daily take magnesium and B complex, I have milk thistle if I feel liverish or have had wine and some acidophilus if my stomach isn't behaving...all have run out. I need some more herbal tea too.

I avoided the wine yesterday but didn't get any exercise either.
Weight the same as yesterday so that's good and if I can eat well and get some exercise today I should be on track for another small loss this week.

If only I could tackle my stomach, it really is the bit that is making me fat and stopping me being a smaller clothing size.

Off to make a smoothie for breakfast.