Tipperary will rock 2025

Thanks....not actually shopping in town, its a meeting for a "secret" project that should in the long term (about 4 years) lead to a really nice job for me.
Congrats on getting on the panel Tipps, great news. Ooh red jeans? Very bright and bold. Its a scorcher here today, I wished I were in shorts!
Great news....I start work in the Revenue Commissioners office on Monday. Its only an 8 week contract but I am very happy with it.
Oh wow that was quick, was that from being on the panel? How fab, just the right length of time and good experience :).

So how did you find out about the panel? I'd be interested to see if County Durham has similar.
Thanks Ladyfelsham, they had contracts for 8, 10 or 12 weeks. I could only take 8 because of holiday plans.
Remember, I am in Ireland. All our public bodies advertise positions on
public jobs.ie and in Jan and Feb I applied for about 5 positions and have interviewed for 3. This is just temp holiday cover, you just pick the county you want to work in and they assign you a department when available. I am really lucky as it could be upnto 60km away but this one is only 6km....I could even cycle if I want to.

Not going to worry about diet for a few days now and next week a regular 9 to 5 with proper breaks will make it easy for me.
Diet plans yesterday went downhill. Darling husband needed a lift about an hour away and it was after 10 pm getting back. We hadn't had dinner and stopped to eat in the Chinese. We have a problem with the electricity in the kitchen and all the presses have been emptied and the presses pulled down from the walls to trace the cables so the kitchen is in a total state anyway and we can't cook in it.
A few calls, trips and paperwork to do today and hopefully tomorrow I can put my kitchen back together. 2 late nights at work this weekend and then from Monday I know what I am doing for the next 12 weeks....8 weeks of "normal" work and 4 weeks of holidays.
I need to get my a*se in gear though as that's 5kg left to lose in 8 weeks.
I wonder if I have the courage to weigh in this morning.
OK just weighed myself and I'm am up 1 kilo. Annoyed but nor surprised, haven't had a proper meal since Thursday. Wedding cake and rasher sanwiches at 4am aren't really good for weight loss. Though the groom did say food after midnight doesn't count.
Ate Ok today and got 2 lots of exercise, a 13km cycle this morning and a 5.5km walk just now.
I have bought myself a new lunchbox for work next week, a Bento style box to fit different things into, inspired of course by Fit4Hols. I know I will have an hour for lunch each day and that there is a break room but I don't know if there is an actual canteen or snack bar so getting prepared just in case. I also know they work flexi-time so I need to fit my 8 hours in any time from 7am to 7pm so hoping some mornings I can swim first or else cycle in.
I broke a tooth a work on Monday, well I ate a toffee and the filling and whole tooth came away from on top of a root canal. I have a dental appointment at 3pm tomorrow, not looking forward to it at all.
A little bit down on yesterday but still a bit to gobto lose my gain.

Had 1.5 glasses red wine last night which I really didn't need and had with a slice of bread. Trying to organise my day now to get some exercise, eat decent food and get to the dentist.

Talk later.
the groom did say food after midnight doesn't count.

Love it, my kind of guy! :D

I have bought myself a new lunchbox for work next week, a Bento style box to fit different things into.

Getting a proper lunch hour and taking your own food will make all the difference to your eating plan, plus the flexi hours - I think you're really going to enjoy this job!

Fingers crossed the dentist goes smoothly.
Went to the dentist, I find that very stressful anyway.
Was told it will be €1200 to be sorted...even more stress.
So for stress relief I bought two pairs of shoes and am drinking a bottle of wine.
Will show you pics of the shoes tomorrow, not of the wine...it will be gone.
Popping in and out quickly as I really want to get some exercise done today. At work at 9pm and I think swimming will tire me out too much so will try to go for a cycle. About to make a smoothie for breakfast first.
New shoes, high red heels and orange flats....I love shoes particularly red ones.

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Yes, if didn't get the shoes I reckon more wine would have been consumed.

Just back from a 12km cycle and eating Po Pia Sot rolls. I discovered them last week in a Thai restaurant. Rice paper rolls filled with spicy chicken, salad and raw vegetables and just served cold as they are, not fried or baked. Each one had 120 calories, you get 3 in a box and 2 is enough at a time for me. I stopped at a Asian supermarket and bought some rice paper wrappers and some pickled ginger and hope to make some for lunches.
Morning all, another stupid weekend with silly hours worked, bad back pain, bad food and more wine than I planned.

Anyway, new job, new motivation, new me starting (again...) today. Am having my smoothie now and have food packed for the day. Our kitchen is still out of action so can't cook or even prepare anything. I have packed 4 corn crispbreads, slice ham, some quark, cup a soup, some thins crispbreads (broken bits), a doughnut peach, 6 dried apricots, a handful cereal. I also have my herbal tea, a new travel mug and my water filter bottle. Hopefully that will get me through the day.
Was bad all day yesterday, I knew it was going to go downhill when the day started with 2 croissants and some fruit cake. As I said our kitchen is currently out of action and trying to prepare anything is a nightmare. I also had kitchen Kiev and hash browns, garlic bread, more fruit cake, chocolate, wine and a chicken curry ready meal. No surprise that I am full of wind today.
LOVE the shoes hunny :)

Hope you get the kitchen back to normal soon. xxxx
Thanks wearing the orange ones today. Feeling a bit dizzy/quesy, hoping its just body a bit out of sync.
Evening all, its been a quiet day here online...is no one around.

Well I am exhausted, my body had just gotten used to the other job and now this one has me all out of sync again. Sitting all day has me full of trapped wind and trying to adjust to new times. I am in an office with about 100 people and can hear every computer click and every phone conversation all around me. The room is stuffy and the overhead lights glaring. It took all day to be updated on the computer system and be able to start. And most of what we have been shown has gone over my head.

I'm home but need to go out again so had some toast and tea and will have dinner later, it will be chicken kiev again because that is in the fridge and needs to be cooked. I made a healthy packed lunch (details in my diary) and ate most of it over three breaks, I have been starving and tired and in no humour to exercise now. I was going to cycle to town to my meeting but not even sure now if I have the energy to drive.

Talk tomorrow