Tipperary will rock 2025

Morning all, well just waiting to go to the bathroom before i hop on the scales.
Yestrrday was good food wise and even got to go for a walk.
On Sunday i managed to wear a dress for the first time since i bought it over a year ago. I was happy to wear it, im not saying its super sexy on me but it doesnt have a huge amount of lumps and bumps on it.
I also tried on another dress i bought at the same time or even before, its a silky shirtwaister dress. Now with a shirtwaister you can have curves but its assumed you have a waist...its all in the nameπŸ˜’. Well the one thing i dont have is a waist. The good news, i tried it on and it fits my arms and i can fasten the buttons. But it looks terrible, so i wont wear it yet. Its Oscars birthday at Halloween and it would be perfect for that, however, this is possibly the third year in a row that i may have said that😢.
The size 14 skirt i bought last winter also just about fits, again it fastens but looks too tight and my big bum makes it shorter at the back so not totally decent.
Im sure all of those would be improved by control underwear but i really dont want to go that route again if i can help it. Well maybe sucky in knickers, but nothing more. Ive even been looking for proper bras to wear and be able to throw out my horrible granny styles. I did go to Debenhams 2 weeks ago but they are very small fitting. I had planned on gking to the Heidi Klum lingerie shop on Sunday while out but the shop has gone. I will have to wait for a trip to M&S.
Off the scales and 100g down. But thats down after a number of increases and im still up 800g from my lowest 2 weeks ago.
I think its fair to say im not keto but low carb and i still need to reign in my weekends.
Good clothing post, Tip. I always find clothes don't fit me on the arms if they don't gave any stretch as my hams are large.

I strongly recommend going to reddit and checking out the subreddit r/ABraThatFits It has an interesting way of identifying your fit and the bra makes that will be best.
Thanks Ali will do that
I buy everything on eBay - it's easy for me, I've always preferred loose fitting clothing, even when slim.

But it is much cheaper and a good way to update the wardrobe without hurting the bank balance :).
I'll be shopping my closet right down to size 14! It's all packed up more or less by size. Previously it took 2 stone to go down from the 22 into 18 last time.

Hope the bra subreddit helps.
Just been to Pennys (Primark) and got two tops to wear under dresses for the winter. Got a pair of sucky in knickers and will see if that skirt and Cath Kidson trousers fit nowπŸ˜‚

I also bought a pair of pyjamas and desribed them to my husband as something that definitely wont keep me warmπŸ˜‰

Only having lunch now
Morning all, an unofficial small loss today and almost back to my smallest for the past two weeks. Still much too big but moving down.
Ive decided, today is Cath Kidson day πŸ‘–πŸŒΌ
Im going to wear the trousers. But i think i need runners with them, the weather is wet out. In fact its miserable out, wet and damp and grey
The number is moving down - that's the key thing to take from it hun!

Grey here too - the sea is very dark, and expect rain sometime during the day. My gardener (lol love saying that) was going to come and mow the lawn but not if it's bucketing down!
Morning all, an unofficial small loss today and almost back to my smallest for the past two weeks. Still much too big but moving down.
Ive decided, today is Cath Kidson day πŸ‘–πŸŒΌ
Im going to wear the trousers. But i think i need runners with them, the weather is wet out. In fact its miserable out, wet and damp and grey

Oh I love Cath Kidston...I think we should make Cath Kidston day a national holiday! ;)
The trousers are on.
With a debenhams sparky top, mules, and sparkly jewellery.
Belly still hanging a it but i did brave it by wearing a shortish top rather that a long belly and bum covering one.
Pretty bra on too
Dint think i look stunning, but i feel good
Wow, getting compliments at work
So i didnt go with the sucky in knickers yesterday. They do suck in marvellousy the big bum and baggy belly, but the just push it upwards and i got a really bad muffin top on upper abdomen. Trousers did feel a bit tight on my waist driving home. The annoying thing about my humpty dumpty shape is while the waist and belly might be too tight the thighs are already too looseπŸ™„.

Unofficial weigh in is stay the same as yesterday, so still hoping for a loss tomorrow. But not going to hit any target, in fact just fighting to get back to where i was 2 weeks ago.

I had a slice of toast last night after dinner. I had fish and vegetables, i think if i had more fat i wouldnt have wanted the toast.
I can manage breakfast and lunch fine and avoid snacks during the day. But if im tired dinner is harder and tempatation is greater. Ive been working a bit later this week as its busy and i need to build up time. So it makes it difficult to get out for a walk and also fit in a 16 hour fast.
Wow sounds like you're trying to strike a balance between a lot of demanding requirements there hun. You can't drive yourself crazy on it, just got to go with what feels comfortable.

It's especially hard when you're tired, which leads me straight to carbs, so I'd be eating more than one slice of toast!
Well "Cath" is back on me today and not feeling to tight. Ive also resisted the "Thursday sausage rolls cos its too long to wait until Friday". So not too bad so far.