Tipperary will rock 2025

@ladyfelsham ive just looked up Devils Claw and it seems to have good results for rhuematoid arthritis but less so for osteo. But im going to get some today to try and see. Ive been emailing HR at work and the disability liasion officer as it seems my manager should not have told me not to come into work when i was on a crutch and now i have 7 days sick leave on my record that i shouldnt have. The liasion officer says if i disclose a disability then the health and safety policy in the building has to be reviewed to make it safe for me. Ive said i may look at that in the future. But as i havent even gone to my gp yet thats not an option i want. Im trying to see what level of pain and loss of mobility i have over the next few weeks so i can go to my gp and then look for a treatment plan. Im surprised how quick it seemed to have appeared and the intensity so quick. I want to look at long term treatment options that dont just involve endless painkillers and anti inflammatories
Hope you get benefit from the devils claw - people on Amazon seem to really like the tincture - it won't let me post the link, google Vogel devil's claw, it's about a tenner a bottle. I got the Vytox tablets - much cheaper at £2.99
That gig sounds fab tipp! Sorry you are in so much pain though, do see your GP as much better to have a medical record of it all when it comes to work.
So... Went to health food shop to get the Devils Claw. No luck, not allowed to sell it here.
Evening all. Well i really seem to have lost a few weeks. Just going to work home and bed and not doing much of anything. No exercise at all and havent even been cooking. All meals seem to have been bread based and have even been eating sandwiches at my desk.
I need to get myself back on track, im dissapointed as i was doing well.
Anyway smoothie made for breakfast tomorrow, i have soup made for lunch and curry made for dinner.
No idea what my weight is at. Ive got new batteries for the Wii and will see if i get a chance to weigh in the morning.

I might be back lots of times tomorrow to check in and stay on track
Hope your day is going well Tipp!
Thanks Clareel and morning.

Weighed in and have put 2kg on. Im 78.3kg now. Not happy with myself at all but will get back on track. Ive taken my teabreak early as was hungry and didnt want to be tempted by crap. Will drink lots of water today and herbal tea.
Biggest problem is trying to get exercise. Even going for a short lunchtime walk is painful. I am thinking of going to my acupuncturist to see what she can do but she is an hours drive away so a painful enough drive.
I think maybe a week of clean living and see how it feels. And then go to my own gp and get a proper assessment before making decisions
Another thought re your hip - I've started back on glucoasamine + chondroitin plus a separate boswellia tablet, both from Amazon. They take a while to kick in but give great relief for joint pain.

It won't let me post in links so search for "The Vitamin Glucosamine 2kcl 500mg & Chondroitin 400mg" I got the 120 tablet bag. Also the Herbology boswellia serrata.
Thanks susie, you are full of advice. I am taking glucosimine. I think ive decided i will go to my gp and get a proper assessment on it as im not happy with rhe consultants diagnosis. And then will decide what to do.
Foodwise doing ok today. Smoothie for breakfast at about 10.30, and just had chicken soup and avocado now wirh cracottes. Cracottes not strictly keto but i think they come in under my carb allowance
Thanks Bluebell. It was bad enough yesterday evening coming home from work. Have decided to try to get to gp Thursday or Friday morning. It depends on who is available to take the little ones to creche.
I should have come back here to you all last night for motivation, and a kick up the bum.
Breakfast... Tick
Lunch... Tick, ish
Dinner, honemade thai green curry but with about 8 sweet potato fries.
And then 2 glasses red wine, 2 choc chip cookies, 2 slices sourdough bread and 4 squares choc. 2 Nurofean and watched Robin Hood the new one on Netflix with the fire lighting. I was just feeling sorry for myself.
I think today i might take Nurofean before i drive home today and see if it helps
Sorry you are in pain Tipp how miserable ☹️ well done on making a start with the healthy eating again. It’s not easy is it but you are trying. Lots more evidence coming out now suggesting exercise doesn’t help with weight loss much, it’s all diet. Although of course exercise is good for you for other reasons, don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t do much. Don’t want to make the pain any worse! I agree it’s worth seeing your GP for a record of things of anything.

Keep going you are doing a great job!
Yep I agree on the 'diet alone wins' argument - but I know you feel better in your mind when you get the chance to walk or swim. Did you book the doctor?

Re the glucosamine, the full benefits are really felt if you take a combo tablet with chondroitin, so 500mg glucosamine and 400mg chondroitin - and ditto on the boswellia front (I use the super strength 1200mg ones). My cousin is right into herbal health and she says the three together are much more effective.
It is a combo glucosimine i take. I will check which it is. Going to gp Friday, he is just walk in (or hobble). Daughter 2 will be here so she can take boys to creche and daughter 1 to bus.
Today ok ish too.
Smoothie at 11, keto lasagne at 1.30 and chicken soup with mashed avocado and cracottes at 7.30. Ans then 4 squares choc and large glass red wine. The choc is all gone now.
Just chrcked, im taking Glucosamine, Boswellia and MSM complex
500mg Glucosimine

400mg of magnifood complex which is
150mg Boswellia
100mg nettle
75mg turmeric
50mg ginger
25mg celery

100mg of msm
Then vitamin c, selenium, manganese and molybderium (i think, the writing is very small)

I take 2 of them each day
Sounds good. They do take a while (like up to a month) to kick in, and you might want to consider adding more boswellia, and chondroitin too - I've been taking my combo for a week and can already feel an easing of pain in my knees.