Tipperary will rock 2025

Thanks Simone. So end of the day now, , toast n ham for breakfast at 8am. Sausage casserole and green beans for lunch along with wild garlic soup. 2 digestives at 4,pm. 2km walk at 6pm. Dinner at 7pm was a burger, a mashed avocado and more soup. Followed by a square of dark chocolate. I'm tired now.
Back on the roundabout again, weight way up this morning. So it shows that intermittent fasting and low carb is definitely the way for me and sticking to 2mea!s a day and no snacks. Brown soda bread and shortbread fingers banned from my shopping basket. It's going to be hard to even achieve a STS this week, never mind tomorrow is a traditional feast day. I'm hoping the weather is good and I can get some gardening done.
Enjoy all.
Happy second Friday πŸ˜‰
Thanks, well St.Patricks day did beat me.
Tuesday was even worse than Monday at work (just low on staff) and I came home and said pre lockdown it would have been a night that I'd say f3ck it and go to the local pub for dinner. Instead I bought pizza and wine and had it in the garden. Then for some reason we opened more wine yesterday at lunch and the day went south from there. I ended up eating sausage rolls and chips for dinner. Awake since 4am now and exhausted.
Today should be a slightly easier day as one staff member back. A full week at work next week and then I have a week off, well I've holidays booked off for 4 days but they way Easter falls it gives me 11 full days off.πŸ₯³
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Ah hope work gets properly better for you guys soon Tipp, seems like a lot of pressure you're under. Nice break to look forward to though x
Oooh that's a brilliant Easter break, I love it when the leave works out well like that.

Not to worry on the sossie rolls and wine, glug lots of water and I'm sure it will be fine!
Having lunch in my car as im too lazy for a walk and dont feel like sitting in the canteen.
Yep, i just needed to chill a bit. Im still more "covid conscious" than many at work and avoid the canteen most of the time. I only go in if i take early lunch. And when i try to stay at my desk one of the supervisors just keeps disturbing me for files so i dont get a break.
Im just ignoring this week diet wise and will get back to it on Monday. Im actually eating leftover cottage pie now for breakfast.
Shopping at lunchtime and then some wekend wine this evening and probably toast and eggs or ham for dinner. Then back to normal low carb and fasting tomorrow.
Morning all, well after my little binge I've realized a few things. Well it wasn't a little binge it was a big one. Too much wine on Tuesday evening and the pizza led to 3 full days of total carb overload and feeling hungry all the time. Because I haven't been eating many carbs the carb overload affected my body really quickly. I've been hungry all the time, I been much too hot, feeling flushed and bloated. And I experienced something on Friday I haven't in a while, what I call sugar shock, when you have sugar and can actually feel your body buzzing. I had a roll at 11am and then someone at work brought cheesecake so I had some of that and I knew I had had too much. The carbs also create a huge amount of mucous in my head and I'm actually gagging on it.
So, now I know.
Low carb is right for me, regardless of any weight loss achieved it is the right approach for my body. Dr. Jason Fung and the Diet Doctors are correct (I didn't doubt them at all but now can justify it based on experience) that too many carbs can mess up the body and your hormones.
I had chicken kiev and fried buttered spinach (becoming a favourite especially with wild garlic) for dinner. I've had an omelette with peppers and goats cheese for breakfast with more spinach. And I'm going to make a vegetable broth to do me for the rest of the day, mostly leek and more wild garlic. Need to check the freezer and see what meals I still have for next week's lunches.
Hoping to get some work done in the poly tunnel today, I need green veggies for the summer.
Talk later.
it's great to find what works for us, but it's also quite worrying how quickly a craving can take over, it's obviously addictive. Hope things settle back down for you now that you're back on track.
How is your weekend going @tipperary ?

Just to let you know I have stepped back from exercising for now and working on me. This pass year I have done more binging than over the 8 years before so working on stopping that. I need to stop as it's effecting my well being and never feel well after doing it.
I am reg'ed with a Private nutritionist so got 12 weeks with her working on sugar and carb cravings. Also she is helping me with my sleep problem.
That sounds great Mary, keep us updated on how it goes
I haven't been perfect all weekend, far from it. But have myself in a good place to start the week. I got to spend a good bit of time today and yesterday in the poly tunnel and got some work done out there. I've seeds sown and a bed ready to direct sow spinach, beetroot and salads in. Only problem is the cats are enjoying that bed too much and will disturb any seeds. They love being out there and have ripped a hole for access to it. I have blocked it up but they just rip another one . So I will need to get cloches of some sort to allow the seeds to germinate and get established. They don't bother sitting on anything growing. I have tried leaving cat beds for them and cushions but they perfer sleeping n pots of soil or just on the ground. I'm looking forward to some time off and being able to spend all day out there.
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Moening all, im going to start the day with some peppermint tea and a jiggle. Going to see if i can get to work a bit earlier (no school run today) and maybe get home by 5.30 and do a cycle, i havent used the bike all week.
I have a sausage casserole with green beans out of the fridge for lunchbreak. No idea what will be for dinner. I didnt really do proper shopping last week so no meals planned for this week. Will try to use what is in the freezer. Id like to sort it out over Easter and use up the last of last year's Garden produce. I still have lots of rhubarb in the freezer in this years is ready to start picking.
I need to drop a 2kg gain this week. Lots of water and peppermint tea and green veggies i think.
Your poly tunnel sounds lovely, it's probably nice and warm that'll be why the cats like it.
Hi all, dinner was a burger, sauteed spinach, a grilled pepper and a teeny bit of sheep's cheese on the burger. I was much too tired to go for a walk let alone a cycle. It's just gone 9pm and I'm in bed. I've been trying to get to bed since before 8pm but kept dozing on the couch. I got lots of fresh air yesterday so blaming that.
Morning, just had a jiggle and having some peppermint tea. I don't have much food in and didnt take anything out of the freezer last night. So have soup, cheese, cracottes, egg and avocado for lunch. I might do some shopping at lunchtime, I didn't really buy much last Friday. Teeny drop today, but hoping if I stay focussed and drink lots of water and I can have a bigger drop tomorrow.
I went to the farm coop yesterday, which is open as an essential service,but it has a garden centre. I got some more window boxes, some geraniums, giant pumpkin seeds and a trellis for my clematis. Hoping to get lots done this weekend.
Talk later all.
Got hungry at 11am and had cracotte with some cheese. Then at 1pm had cracotte and hard boiled egg and soup. Done a quick shop, just essentials till Friday. Husband has a birthday this weekend and wants lunch in the gsrden with the family. So ive to arrange food for that. I might get a ham and a chicken and do side salads with it. He wants a cake too😒, i really dont have time to bake and shop bought is horrible. However i have loads of frozen berries from last season so thinking something with them