Tipperary will rock 2025

I am tempted to buy plants for my patio now. I've got geraniums growing from cuttings. I like baking cakes but they only get one a week nowadays.
I prefer cooking to baking. I d!o like baking but only when I have lots of time. Another drop this morning but it's hard staying as focussed as I should be. Dinner was on plan last night, I made coleslaw and pureed avocado and had it with breaded chicken strip and a bacon medallions.but I had planned on a walk or a cycle, I had even left work a bit early to fit it in (I'm over hours for the month so need long lunches and early finishes) but was much too tired. I also got very cold so ended up having 2 hot whiskeys (just whiskey and water, no sugar or honey or anything else). They warmed me up but hope that doesn't come back as a gain tomorrow.
Ge trying up now, lunch is the same as dinner yesterday, I made enough for lunch (not sure if I have an avocado) and then omelette or sausages for dinner. Once again my intention is to go for a walk at lunchtime or after work but will see how I feel.
Talk later
I really wish I liked avocado, they seem to be so useful and full of good stuff but I hate the taste!

Try to get out for a walk even if you set a timer and just walk 5 mins in one direction and then back it all adds up. Have a nice day :D
I love avocadoes, could scoff them every day - lucky I'm not in NZ, my best mate has just bought an avocado farm!

Good luck for WI today x
I do like avocado's but am picky about how ripe they are and each stage they have a different taste. Cant stand hard avocado's at all, and qhen they get black they are rancid and vile. Just before they get to that stage i find they taste a bit like banana which i dont like. So i am strictly soft but fully green.
So as well as having leave next week im am off this Friday, yay. So a full 12 days off work for on 4 days annual leave days. I cant wait.
Drinking water todsy rather than filling up on tea, almost 1.5L now.
Morning, well I gave in last night and had wine AND bread. I did manage a short walk at lunchtime, 1.5km. Good job it was just that as the sky burst with rain just as I got back to the office. Then I met with my boss and passed my 3 month probation. I get on great with her, problem is she leaves next week. Got home and husband had good news/ bad news re our finances. We are finally coming close to a 3 year long fight with our bank over a debt. It was sold to a vulture fund who are looking for blood. The bank repossessed and sold the property in question for way under market value and sold on the remaining debt. The fund has been trying to reposses our family home for a while now (some of you may recall that is why I gave up my 20 year self employment career that I loved and sold my soul to the Public Service), anyway, they are now happy to negotiate. It's not an end, but it's the beginning of the end. So we had wine, and sourdough bread with cheese.
Finish work today and then not back until April 6th. Plan is to do as much as I can in the garden. Starting tomorrow all the flowering pots need to go back out as does the garden furniture. One chair is broken so I want to go to the farm shop today and replace it. Then husband's birthday on Saturday, we are hoping to have it in the garden. I've a menu planned, roast leg of lamb marinated in wild garlic and lemon, roast chicken done the same. Baby potato salad with garden parsley, greek salad, flatbreads cooked on the chimenea, cucumber and garden mint raita. I might make mojitos or rosemary gin and tonics as I am trying to use as much as I can from the garden. Followed by rhubarb and custard and some sort of a cake but that most likely from a deli. I would rather use my time sorting the garden furniture that baking.
Getting up now for an jiggle, work lunch similar to yesterday, replacing avocado with cream cheese.
Talk later
Glad the news is good. I love sourdough bread and it is the only thing I miss now I doing keto.Your husbands birthday menu sounds amazingly good.
Mmm yes the birthday menu sounds wonderful! Hope the weather stays good for you.

And many congrats on the light at the end of the tunnel situation for you hun, it's been a long time coming and you deserve many glasses of vino to savour the moment. Once it's all sorted, do you think you'll go back to your old job?
Nope, not now Susie. I will just stay in public service, not necessarily where i am now, until retirement
Sorry to hear you've had difficult circumstances but happy to hear you've found a way forwards.
Hi, Tipp. I am back - low carb/keto. Good to hear you passed your probation period. I am sorry abt the bastard bank. What a stressful time. I am glad you are nearing resolution.
Great you have 12 days off @tipperary lots of gardening time.
My peas ,tomatoes and courgettes have started to grow. Waiting for my runner beans to show their heads.

Going to try and grow some pumpkins and squash this year.

It's windy and cold here but at least the sun is shining.

Hope you have a good weekend and don't eat too much of hubby's birthday cake. :)
Great to see you back @AliGal .
Well it's been a week of indulgences, planned and also some just from pure greed. I haven't weighed in for a few days now.
It was darling husband's birthday and he wanted a family meal. We were hoping for a garden BBQ but the weather has been terrible.5 year old Oscar wanted a campfire and toasted marshmallows. We had the planned menu inside on Saturday with enough leftovers for Sunday. I lit the chimenea and toasted the marshmallows for the kids. Wine was consumed, possibly too much.
We also got news that the vulture fund are willing to settle, they will take ALL my savings and leave us alone. We will still have the mortgage left on our house but the house will be safe and all other debt gone. I don't normally have any savings but I have worked continuously through lockdown and not spent any money,no holidays, no lunches out and no fuel expenses so had managed to squirrel some away (in case husband couldn't work either due to illness or lockdown). I have no problem with them taking it if it is the end of the issue, in fact glad I have it in order to get rid of them. Anyway, that meant more celebrating.
Got some time spent working in the poly tunnel and I have a plan and have some of it started. The "leisure end" is all sorted. Plants potted, chairs cleaned and cushions washed. I've drawn up a planting and sowing plan and started to sow some seeds. I've got some large plastic storage crates to use as mini greenhouses to protect the seeds from the cats. I've to get 3 more today and sow the spinach, beetroot, carrots, scallions, rocket and salads under them. As well as cat protection it should also speed up germination. Along with that I will have a courgette bed, a tomotoe bed (4 varities) and a bed with chilli's, peppers and cucumbers. I'm not going to bother with sweet corn and aubergines this year, neither did well last year. The sweet corn attracted earwigs and the aubergine slugs and mould, each was too much bother and used precious space. Outdoors I have artichokes, asparagus, rhubarb and strawberries already growing. I need dry weather to weed them. I will also plant pumpkins (3 varieties) and maybe brassicas.
Thats the plan, however I twisted my back and can't move too much. While I'm in town I will see if I can get to a chemist and get Nurofean for it. I had also planned on walking and cycling this week so need to sort it quick.

Food wise, well first of all I haven't bought any wine and husband won't either. The party food is now gone. I've had sausage, scrambled egg and salad leaves at 10am this morning. I will have lunch and dinner and then back to 2 meals a day from tomorrow. I've a chicken carcass so will make some soup later today. Lots of water I think and a lite week food wise. I'm off for the week and want to make the best of it in every way.

Talk later
That's good news. Love your garden plans. I follow Charles Dowding on youtube - mostly I grow flowers no dig in our really wild garden, tomatoes and 2 apple trees. I had grafted tomatoes last year - they were really good. This year, I'm too skint. I just joined a good grow yr own cut flower group on FB. We don't have a kitchen garden - so not much in rows.
hey there, glad you're enjoying your time off sounds very productive as well as fun.

As for the bank stuff, it sucks to have to deal with it but fantastic to have a way forwards now. Time to leave it behind and not think about it anymore, you carry on with your celebrating there is no rush for the weight.
Thanks Ali and Chilli. Got lots done in the tunnel today, swing seeds, pruning the passionflower and pulling weeds in one bed. I got the Nurofean and it seemed to pull the spasm from my back. I will take some more tonight and again in the morning to keep it gone, especially after the work done today. I got a short walk in just now, a slow 2km. Lunch was at 3.30pm, stir fried green beans , peppers and sausages sprinkled with cheddar. I am making soup now, cauliflower and chicken. I'm not hugely hungry but would rather eat now and fast till 1pm tomorrow than need breakfast at 8pm
Well the Nurofean seems to have worked, no back spasm. I've had some tea and just had a jiggle. I'm just rewatching the final of pottery throwdown as i fell asleep watching it and then I'm going out for a walk. Nothing to eat yet, I might have eggs, ham and spinach when I come back. Then lots to do in the tunnel again. In fact I have some spinach to pick there so will do that before I eat.
Weight up,no surprise at all. I won't make my Easter 8.7kg loss in fact I will struggle to hold on to my 5.5kg loss. But nothing is certain until Friday.
Back fro a walk, almost 2.5km. I could have gone further but needed to peeπŸ™„. Just eaten now at 12pm, a 2 egg omelette with cheese and scallion, a slice of ham and spinach fried in butter. I've also had a square of dark chocolate. That's me till about 6pm tonight when I hav cauliflower and chicken soup and maybe some fish fingers or chicken of some sort. Just finishing cup 4 of peppermint tea and first 500ml of water then will fill up water bottle again and head out to the tunnel. A bit more weeding and reaaranging to do and then it's a case of just waiting for the seeds to germinate. I might even get some outdoor garden work done today.
Chat later.πŸ™‹
That's a good walk tho, and with all your garden work that's loads of good exercise :)

I'm jealous of your green fingers, I'm only good at growing chilli's (thus the name)
ooh - Queen! what are yr chilli growing tips?