Tipperary will rock 2025

Weigh in now Sundays while I'm at home.
June 17th Start 86kg

17/06 86kg BMI 37.2
23/06 83.8kg weekly loss 2.2kg
30/06 82.6kg weekly loss 1.2kg
07/07 81.8kg weekly loss 0.8kg
Goal 80kg BMI 34.6
Goal 76kg BMI 32.9
Goal 73 kg BMI 31.6
Goal 70kg BMI 30.3
I've just dropped my BMI under 35 so am now obese class 2 rather than obese class 2 πŸ‘‹
17/06 86kg BMI 37.2
23/06 83.8kg weekly loss 2.2kg
30/06 82.6kg weekly loss 1.2kg
07/07 81.8kg weekly loss 0.8kg
14/07 80.5kg weekly loss 1.3kg
Morning, I had a 1.3kg loss last week so happy about that and would like to keep that momentum for another few weeks if I can. I'm settling into one proper meal a day and maybe a snack type meal too, it depends on when I eat first which really is determined by what I have to do that day. This is much easier by the fact I'm at home full time right now.
Off to Dublin today to see hip consultant. Hip not fully healed at all but hoping it's on the right track and mostly hoping I get approval to go back to the pool. Even if can't swim yet i can be doing stretches and upper body exercises. I've a lot of excess fat around my bra line since I haven't been regularly swimming. Pool walking should help strengthen my hip too.
Morning, awake but tired. Yesterday was a long day. Hip doctor happy with hip, says it's coming along as expected. Off driving for at least another 3 weeks from his point of view but that still needs to be cleared by the stroke team. I can get back into the pool but walking in it only, no swimming for 3 weeks. I can use exercise bike for 5 minutes a day but need to make sure someone is with me, he is afraid I will fall off🀣. Off crutches about the house but need them anything more than about 50m. But he says 2 to 3 weeks I should be off them. I've to see him in 3 months time.
He agreed with me, now that I'm moving the bursitis is back and is now in both hips. I've been given some more exercises to build into my physio routine to build glutes strength and help that. Due to stroke meds I can't take anti inflammatories.
Had my routine eye test last week and it seems the stroke has affected my left eye, not necessarily the sight but the health and structure of the eye in general. I've a letter to take to stroke team or go straight to A&E if I notice any degeneration at all, the gift that keeps on giving.
Weight still trickling down so hope to drop under 80kg this week.
As we were out yesterday afternoon ate while out, nothing in the morning. Had lunch in IKEA at 1430, I had mozzarella and tomato salad and the meatballs with gravy only, no sides. Water to drink. Later husband had coffee and cake which I tasted, I had tea. Home at 2000 and I had a glass of white wine and a sliver of cheddar (to rid the taste of meds before the wine) and that was me for the day.
Take care, chat later.
Morning all, unofficially dropped below 80kg so I'm happy with that. My goal was to be under that when I saw the stroke doctor next so a bit ahead of that. Was really hoping to be 70kg for mid October which is a huge stretch so being a little ahead of plan makes that more achievable.
Saw physio yesterday and she was very thorough. I have gained some fine motor skills back in my right hand but have a definite loss of strength in right hand, arm and leg. So she has given me even more exercises to build into my routine.
Konjac chicken noodle soup for lunch yesterday with an omelette with courgette and tomato from the garden, then a yogurt pot in the evening. That seems to be all I'm hungry for, a decent late lunch and some sort of a snack or nibble in the evening.
Plan for today, I've forms to fill out for sick pay and time off work. I've lots of physio to do...as usual. And if I can get a lift in and out of town I would like to get to the pool. Physio said she is looking at a 3 month timeline before driving again to build up strength in my arm, though it's really a waiting game, no one can truly say how long it will be.
Enjoy your day and chat later.
Morning,it's an early one as I can't sleep. I had chocolate last night and not the good dark one but milk chocolate with salted caramel. I also had some lemon shortbread. The combination of both has me awake and sweating. I didn't have that much but it seems loads after having none.
Lesson learnt 😭

On track for a one kilo loss again this week, though last night could stop that. Need to be very focused on Saturday to get a good number on Sunday morning. I'm going to the afters of a wedding today, only going for about two hours or at least that is the plan. I've tried on a few dresses for it and happy to say I have options as quite a few fit.

Meant to go swimming yesterday and Wednesday but didn't quite get to it, I'm depending on other people for a lift and too be honest was too tired. All the extra physio has taken its toll on me and was exhausted yesterday.

Need to stay focused today, take care and will chat later.πŸ˜€
Me again, here chatting to myself. No one seems to be around at all. But it's doing me good talking to myself. I've checked stats and in same weight I was at Christmas so lost 6 months weight gain. Not that that's anything to be proud of, I shouldn't of had that gain. On track for a nice loss this week. Back on Sunday to update
Hi lovely. Sorry you have so much going on. Sounds tough.

Hope the physio helps and 70kg for oct sound good hun. Also bonus you found out you were taller :) xxxc
17/06 86kg BMI 37.2
23/06 83.8kg weekly loss 2.2kg
30/06 82.6kg weekly loss 1.2kg
07/07 81.8kg weekly loss 0.8kg
14/07 80.5kg weekly loss 1.3kg
21/07 79.2kg weekly loss 1.3kg BMI 34.3
Goal 80kg BMI 34.6
Thanks @jules1981 , it has been a bit of a shock and also a major wake up call. I need to invest in ME right now.
Morning all, it's Sunday and weigh in day and I've lost another 1.3kg. A great number but a little disappointed because on Friday I was at 79kg and was really hoping to get into the 78s.(Some food and drink at the wedding). However it's still a great number and going in the right direction.
I finally went to the pool yesterday. I did my physio in the morning, then a 2.5km walk on crutches ( using them slightly different now, sort of like walking poles), then got a lift to the pool. Hip doctor said not to swim yet, to walk only in the pool. I walked 10 lengths and I did feel it on my hip. I really wanted to swim to see if I could use my right arm. So I did but using arms only, no leg movement at all. I did eight lengths and while I could do it and it felt good I could definitely feel lack of sensation in my right arm and right upper back. But great relief knowing I can use it. Got in the jacuzzi afterwards (it's a massive one with various jets including a fully immersive stand up one) and could again identify loss of sensation in my leg. All things to note and work on I suppose.
Then had lunch out with daughter, a big super food salad with grilled halloumi but had some of her chips. Did more physio and then sat Infront of TV and finally watched Hamilton through from beginning to end in one go, with a cup of tea and two squares of dark chocolate. Only other food I had was a handful of nuts after some meds to get rid of the taste.
Ouch, need to stop, hand cramping, chat later.
To make me feel better 6.8kg is over a stone, I've lost over a stone in 5 weeks. This isn't glamour weight it's lifesaving weight and it should never have been there to lose
Morning, me again. Another small drop overnight bringing me into the 78s and getting tantalising close to BMI below 34, that would be a great achievement for this week.
You can see my face is less bloated and loss of fat around my neck and double chin. However this is giving me turkey neck. I'm slapping the Clarins skin tightening cream onto it but running out of it fast, it was one I bought on sale on holidays. Any suggestions for an affordable alternative for it?
I've settled into a routine of one proper meal a day sometime between 1300 and 1600 and then a snack. Snack could be a yogurt pot, cheese, nuts, chocolate depending on time and humour.
Yesterday I whizzed up two eggs with half a bag of baby spinach and dry fried as three thin wraps. I filled these with cooked mince and sprinkled with some cheddar cheese and mixed seeds.
Off to plan my day, take care and chat later byeπŸ’«
Morning all. Two achievements yesterday, I walked 3km πŸ˜€. 3 km is to the bottom of our road and back and was always the standard walk I would do with a dog or a child in a buggy or a sunny Sunday afternoon with darling husband. I haven't done it in well over 12 months so very happy with it. I'm still on crutches but just using them for balance, my gait still isn't right. I didn't do physio yesterday, she said not to do it every day so that left me with more energy to go to the pool. Which is where I had achievement 2, I swam 20 length...well with arms only. 20 lengths again was always my standard swim length and then time allowing but add aquajogging or pool walking into that. Hip not up to the aquajogging yet, in fact I think that may have been the start of my hip problems. But I did walk 12 lengths of the pool. I could feel some of it pulling on my hip,long but slow strides seem to be the best.
I had a yogurt pot at about 2pm yesterday before going to the pool and then main meal at 6pm when I got back. 2 slices ham, 4 mini crackers, Wensleydale cheese and homemade soup. It Thai green curry chicken soup with Konjac noodles this week, a nice warm spicy one.
Plan for today, two lots of physio, a walk and then a visit to the pool if I can get a lift. I've to collect my new glasses from Specsavers too.
Chat later
Morning, well I didn't go to the pool yesterday, I was just too tired for it plus grandson Oscar wasn't feeling well so he was with me. I did do 2 lots of physio though and it's getting quite intensive now. Did get to town and collected my new glasses, the ones I have must be over 4 years old and all scratched so it's great to see clearly through them. However it does highlight the left eye issue I have.
Going swimming early this morning, son in law is working from home so that means daughter one has space in her car and she leaves for town at about 0815 so she will drop me to town and I can call husband for a lift later. Not being able to drive is a total nuisance.
Tired today and was exhausted yesterday too. Plan was that morning swim would give me the day free to do other things. When in fact it just left me exhausted all day, all I could do was lay down when I got home. Was hungry too so had early lunch at 1300 of soup and sausages, some spinach and cheese. And feeling sorry for myself I had 3 squares of chocolate instead of my usual 1. Went for a short 1.5km walk with daughter, that was due to the child that joined us not our lack of energy😁. And then had a yogurt pot at about 1900.
Unofficial weigh in now and BMI has dropped just into the 33s, a good psychological barrier gone. But not official until Sunday. Lots of temptation this weekend, grandson 2s 6th birthday and then a neighbours big memorial party, so many opportunities for food and drink.
It was hard to stay strong yesterday, it was a day I would normally have vegged out on the couch with a bottle of wine a maybe crisps or sandwiches. It was also the first day where I questioned is this how it will be forever, not having full movement and be dependent on other people to get me out of the house😭.
I'm going to take today as it comes and the weekend too and think about life on Monday.

Chat later, take care.