Morning all , hope you all had a good Christmas and Santa was generous.
I haven't been great, I was feeling a bit off and turns out I have the flu, been sick since last Saturday but think I'd been fighting it for a week or so before that. Spent 72 hours not sleeping,not able to swallow anything and going from roasting to shivering. Couldn't swallow paracetamol so got Lemsip but even that took a painful hour sip by sip to swallow and barely got 30 minutes relief. I'm coming out of it now but still sick. My body clock is all over the place.
Haven't weighed in or paid any attention to what I am eating, if I am hungry and can swallow then don't really care what it is.
I did manage to cook Christmas dinner and sit with the family for a while and Christmas night was the first night I got more than an hour's sleep.
It's 5 am now and I'm wide awake so might just get up and make some tea.
Going to have a lazy day and then tomorrow we have the second at home wedding reception. I was looking forward to it so much and have two amazing outfits to choose from but now all I'm thinking is what's the most comfortable thing I have to wear and how early can I come home
. Thankfully it's not to far but we are putting some of the guests up at our house and I had promised lunch on Sunday to some others.
Will get through today and worry about it tom