Morning all, diet and exercise gone out the window for various reasons but I will get back to it with a vengeance this week.
Caught up with lost of job applications and am now waiting to see if I get any of these:
A training manager in a jobs club (actually 3 separate applications)
A tutor for adults with intellectual disabilities
A baker in an airport
A supervisor in a university canteen
A temporary clerical officer for the tax man (what I did last summer)
A tutor teaching parents about primary schools
A surveyor for economic institute
The last two are temporary and would be great together but unfortunately both have the training the same day
I feel like I have sent in more applications than that but cant remember them.
Ive been seriously addicted to the Olympics the past two weeks and feeling a bit lost today, however I did get about 7 baby cardigans knit while watching them. It gives me an excuse to get out now but wondering if we will get the forecasted extremely cold weather.
Daughter had finally got her official eviction notice so we now have a timeframe to get granny flat ready for her, only 6 weeks. Plumbing still to be done and problem is none of us have the money to do it but will have to do something, She only has a stove in the house currently so said if it does get really cold this week she is coming to stay with us. That means I have lost of cleaning to do today and tomorrow first.
I was asking elsewhere here about Bach flower remedies, does anyone use them. I have Rescue Remedy and also use White Chestnut to help me sleep and stop my brain going in circles. Well I read they can help weight loss and there are mixes available. Then I read that you shouldn't buy a mix but get the separate remedies for each emotional aspect of your condition. It is hard to know about every remedy so I decided to buy a book (I had amazon vouchers). It has just arrived and is driving me mad, it seems to be self published and it full of typing errors. But will read it and see if any of it makes sense to me, anything that will help has to be good.